St. Mungo's

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Harry and Draco had every class together, along with their friends. They were enjoying the time they had together, feeling like more of a tight knit group. Everything was going fine until Severus Snape had pulled Draco out of his last class, refusing to let Harry go with him.

Draco was being practically dragged away from Advanced Herbology by Severus. "Get your hand off me!!!" He curled his lip in a harsh sneer.

Severus finally let go when they reached the Dungeons. "Silence you brat! If you choose to fight me, then you will be treated poorly!" He snapped, smacking a folded Daily Prophet against his chest.

Draco took it, glaring angrily at Severus. "Why are you giving me this trash?!" He huffed.

"Your Father has made front page Mr. Malfoy." Severus glared at Draco's indignant behavior.

Draco opened it, reading the article. "No...this isn't Father is in Azkaban!" He read the news print in horror.

"Obviously not." Severus reached to the paper, pointing to the last paragraph. "He was released, sent to St. Mungo's for Psychiatric observation."

"How was he released without me knowing?! How was he even considered for release?!" Draco asked rhetorically out loud, furiously searching for an answer on the page.

"Someone...must have changed his sentencing." Severus guessed. "But what you should be why he was put on the fourth floor of St. Mungo's."

"Do you know anything about this?!" Draco asked, knowing even if he did, he would never say. "This is impossible! They gave him life imprisonment!" He spat.

"Perhaps things...have taken a different turn..." Severus slowly suggested. "Either way Mr. Malfoy, an Auror will be coming to get you tonight after are expected to speak with the healers."

Draco looked up at Severus with disgust. "Are you mad?!" He snapped loudly, throwing the newspaper to the floor. "I am never seeing that man ever again! I am 18 and I choose never to even be in the same room!"

Severus pinned Draco violently to the wall. "Now you listen to me! Your Mother is refusing to deal with this situation so you are the only one who can be your Father's medical proxy."

Draco furiously tried to get free. "Let go of me!!!"

"You will be going! End of discussion, end of argument!" Severus yelled, letting Draco go. "They will take you by force if need be."

Draco turned his back on Severus, running to his room deep in the Dungeons. This just can't be! My father was never suppose to see daylight again!!! How am I suppose to face my Father after what he's done?! He thought, saddened and completely devastated.

Harry walked out of Advanced Herbology, worried that Draco never returned from Severus taking him away. He walked into the Great Hall as he came inside the castle, pulling his wand out. "Revelio Draco!" He chanted quietly, seeing the light pool into the Dungeons.

Harry put his wand away, quickly sprinting through the Dungeon corridors and hallways. He made it to the end, unlocking their door. The room was quiet, but a slight opening in the curtains of the 4 post bed was seen. "Draco?"

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