Party Vibes

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Ginny made it back to her house mates, excited about the news. She gathered everyone, spilling the news.

"No way! We can drink?!" Seamus grinned ear to ear.

"But it has to be the astronomy tower! She wants us in a place that's not so open. She said she was setting it up and would get us beer! Like real craft brew!" Ginny said with a big smile.

Ron stomped his feet in glee. "So we have to send owls to get all the invites out!" He got up, running to get the parchment.

"Wait Ron there's some bad news." Ginny said.

"Oh no what is it?" Pavarti asked.

Ginny made a pained face. "Well of course Harry and Malfoy are coming we can't have the party without them but....we are being forced to invite the rest of the 8th year Slytherin's."

Everyone groaned loudly with disappointment.

"What?! We can't have them at the party they are horrible!" Ron came back over with a pack of parchment and envelopes.

"Common guys we can't discriminate....maybe it will be fine!" Neville chimed in. "They might just drink and leave us alone!"

Pavarti scoffed, stomping off to the lavatory.

Seamus shrugged, knowing they had no choice. "So what time did Professor McGonagall tell us to go?" He handed Ron the red wax to seal the letters.

"6 we have tons of time to set it up." Ginny responded. "All of us have to send out each house invite and then get ready. Everyone shower!" She demanded, leaving for the bedrooms to clean up.

Ron growled at the last of the news. "Stupid Slytherin's." He started writing the invites with Seamus.

Seamus shrugged it off again, opening the bottles of ink. "Guess we got stuck writing it all." He opened the quill package, pulling them out.

Ron blushed, still having their little meeting fresh in his mind. "I can write fast let me do that, you can lick the envelopes and use the wax."

Seamus leaned over, licking Ron's ear.

Ron gasped, wiping his ear off as he looked around. "Seamus no!"

"I'll be asking for that favor tonight, so don't forget." Seamus winked, mixing the wax.

"Bloody hell you naughty man." Ron shook his head, quickly scratching down each individual invite.


Harry and Draco got back to their room, getting wind of the party from Luna on their way back.

Draco took his clothes off, stripping down to his silk boxers. He opened the closet as wide as it went, going through his clothing hoard trying to decide what to wear.

Harry came back from the bathroom, stopping in his tracks. He looked Draco up and down, admiring the slight muscle definition against his pale slender body.

Draco turned his head, blushing wildly at Harry staring at him. "Don't stare." He looked back into the closet.

Harry walked over, dipping his fingertip inside the elastic of Draco's expensive silk. "Why shouldn't I?" He pulled it, snapping it against his pale ass. "I like to look at you." He kissed his shoulder.

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