Best Four Years Of My Life [2] | Park Chaeyoung (Rosé) [BLACKPINK]

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The next morning, I woke up with my room spinning. I had a massive hangover from the drinks I had last night. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, the room spinning and a massive headache. I looked over to my side and find a girl sleeping peacefully next to me. 

First thought I had after seeing this girl sleeping next to me is "what happened last night?" I tried my best to put the pieces and events from last night together

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First thought I had after seeing this girl sleeping next to me is "what happened last night?" I tried my best to put the pieces and events from last night together. I remember going to the club with my flat mates and then going home with a girl whom I just met. However, the more I look at her, the more beautiful I realised. I kept staring at her, until suddenly she decided to wake up and open her eyes. Quickly, I looked away to avoid any awkward eye contact. 

"Good morning" she spoke up.

"Hey, listen...... about last night....... umm" I stuttered but before I could finish my sentence she shut me up by kissing me on the lips.

"It's ok, you had my consent and I had fun last night. Here's my number, call me" she replied after kissing me and gave me a piece of paper with her number on it. After that she walked out the door.

As she left, I went back to sleep. Still exhausted from the activities and drinking I did last night. Looking into the paper she left me, I started to think about what happened last night. Reflecting on my actions, I was not proud of what I did last night. I'm not usually the type of person who does one night stands and stuff, in fact I have never had a one night stand in my life before but here I am. I guess there's a first time for everything.

One Week Later

Freshers week flew by, throughout that week I got to learn more about the university campus and also managed to make some friends. I've joined the university football team which was fun as I always liked football. Also, I went clubbing with my flat mates a few times during the course of this week. Whilst I did take a few more girls home after a night out, I never saw the girl I met on my first day here. Anyways, I was enjoying university life so far. Maybe university is going to be the best four years of my life after all.

However, today is the day. It was the first day of classes. Whilst I have managed to make a few friends over the course of freshers week, I don't know anyone who will be in my class. I walked down the hallway and entered the lecture hall. It was a scary moment for me, I had no friends in this class. I looked around, it was a very big lecture and many people seems to be in the same boat as me. I picked a spot at the back of the lecture hall and sat on my own hoping someone would sit next to me in this class.

The lecture hall was filling up with more and more people as the start of the class is getting closer and closer. Still nobody was sitting next to me, I started to accept my fate that nobody will sit with me. That was until I felt a tap on my shoulder, as I looked up I spotted a familiar face. It was her......

"Hey, is this seat...... oh hello there" she spoke up as she parked herself on the seat next to me.

"Hey there, I didn't know you do this course as well haha" I struggle to reply, feeling a bit awkward.

I felt a lot more comfortable now that someone has finally sat next to me. At least I could count on her when it comes to assignments or when there's something I don't understand.

"I'm Y/N by the way, if you didn't catch my name the other night haha" I initiated the conversation.

"I know your name. How could I forget after screaming that the whole night haha" she smirked "I'm Roseanne, but just call me Rosé."

The lecture went on for the next hour, and I can't stop myself but peeking over at Rosé, she is just so pretty. It was obviously a little bit awkward after what happened between us the other day, but she was doing so well in playing it cool. Maybe I should do the same, just act like nothing happened and go along as friends. Soon, the lecture came to an end and I was looking forward to going back to my dorm and take a break before the next class, that was until Rosé stopped me.

"So Y/N, do you want to grab a bite together before the next class?" she asked.

"I mean, I've not got anything to do so sure" I replied hoping that this wouldn't be awkward.

During the meal, we chatted about our lives and I was surprised we both have something very common. We both came from South Korea, however her parents moved to New Zealand before she was born and then she moved to Melbourne when she was a kid which is why she has this Australian accent when speaking English. I was trying my best to hide my awkwardness and forget about everything that happened the other night because I didn't want to ruin this friendship.

Time Skip 

Finally the day is done, and after a day of classes. My first day of university has gone by very quickly. However, this course is very hectic. Even though it was the first day, we have loads of reading we need to complete by the next class. Maybe, I should try and ask Rosé if she wants to do the reading together.

"Hey Rosé, do you want to do the readings together?" I asked.

"Oh my god yes, I was thinking the same" She replied.

"Let's go to my place then" I said as we both headed back to my dorm. 

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into again.

We arrived at my dorm, and me being myself I tried to keep calm and make it less awkward. Turning on the lights to give the room a bit of a studying vibe, we set off to work annotating the 10 page article that we have to read. As much as I enjoy the social life of university, I most certainly am not enjoying the studying part of university.

Without knowing the time, it was already very late. It was dark outside by the time we finished preparing the materials for our next class. However, after a hectic first day, I am looking forward to finally getting some rest. 

"Wow, I didn't know it's late. I should get going" Rosé spoke up.

However, in my mind have different ideas. I wanted to stay with her and spend more time with her. 

"Actually, if you don't mind you can stay over" I offered.

"Are you sure about that Y/N?" she questioned, little bit unsure about this idea.

"I mean it won't be your first time spending the night in this room haha" I awkwardly replied.

"I guess, it's kind of dangerous for a girl to walk around campus this late so why not" she answered.

With that, we both went to bed together and because the bed was so small our face was so close together. That moment, I was very conflicted as I didn't know why I offered her to stay over with me. However, I just gave in and moved my face closer and kissed her. Surprisingly, she reciprocated and kissed back as we started to make out on the bed. It was a problem for another day.


And that's part 2 of this mini series. Thank you very much for all your support on the previous part of the mini series. Once again if you have any idea for a one shot or any request, don't be scared to put it on the request page or message me about it.

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