You Think I Forgot? | Jo Hye-Won Zoa [WEEEKLY]

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31st May 2023

It was Zoa's 18th birthday, she has been waiting for this day for so long. For Zoa, her birthday is a very big thing for her. She always get a big party out of it with her family and friends. This year, she thought it would be more special because she have you, her boyfriend, to celebrate this day with her.

Zoa woke up that morning very early and got dressed quickly, she normally isn't the type of person who wants to go to school. Today was different though, she wanted to go to school because her friends have planned a big surprise party for her after school.

School was boring like always, Zoa did not enjoy school but she was happy that a lot of classmates came over to say happy birthday to her. That was literally the only positives from school today. Thankfully, she managed to drag herself through the whole day and is now in the final period, Maths, Zoa's most hated subject. Despite that, she had something positive to look forward to. Maths was the only class that Zoa shared with you and as she popped herself down on her seat, you also walked into the classroom. 

"Hey Y/N" Zoa waved at you as you walked into the classroom.

"Oh hey Hyewon, how are you doing today" you responded.

"What are you doing after school?" Zoa asked you trying to get more information about the party that her friends had planned.

"I've got football training after school so I can't hangout with you today, but I'll see you tomorrow at school and I can hang out with you then" you told Zoa.

Zoa didn't know if you were playing or were you being serious, but her heart did drop for a second after hearing that you have football training after school. To be fair, she knew you had football on Wednesdays but she would have thought that you would clear your schedules to hangout with her on her birthday.

"Anyways have you got anything to say to me today" Zoa asked trying to make you say something about her birthday.

"Right everyone class is about to begin" the teacher announced before you could give an answer.

"Yes, pay attention to the teacher" you whispered to Zoa.

However, Zoa can't pay any attention to class because of what you said. She was hoping that you were playing a joke. After all, who would say they are hosting a surprise party if they were hosting a surprise party anyways. Zoa tried to shake it off but she can't.

After a very long hour, the bell rang and class was finally dismissed. Zoa followed her friend Jihan to the music room hoping that you would be there to be part of the surprise.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY OUR BELOVED HYEWON" everyone shouted as Zoa entered the room.

Not going to lie, Zoa was surprised by this, but she was also surprised at the fact that it was only her close friends Jimin, Soeun, Soojin, Jaehee and Jihan there to celebrate. You were nowhere to be seen.

"What's wrong Hyewon? You don't seem too happy" Jaehee said whilst holding the cake in her hands.

"Nothing it's just he isn't here" Zoa responded.

"We asked him to come but he seemed to have more important things like football so he said he isn't free" Jihan replied.

"Let's eat some cake" Soojin said trying to distract Zoa from the fact that you weren't here.

Zoa understand why you weren't here. Football has always been a big part of your life and she knows that as well. But what was annoying her was that there wasn't even a birthday message from you, nothing, not even a text. After all, how difficult is it to put in minimal effort and text her a simple birthday message.

The truth was, you didn't forget. Whilst you really had football training to attend, you had your own plans. Tonight you were going to surprise her in her apartment. After all if there is one thing that Zoa liked more than you, it was surprises.

You really wanted to go to her party with her friends, but you can't. You were draft protected by the MLS and therefore you need to put in maximum effort in every training because you never know when the MLS scouts were going to come over to watch you train. You just need to be there just in case. 

As training ended, you shot off immediately, hoping that Zoa was not mad at you the slightest. On your way to her apartment, you stopped by and brought her some flowers and her favourite green tea cake. Once the goods were secured, you went straight to her apartment. 

Arriving at Zoa's apartment, you used the spare key that she gave you to slowly unlock the door and enter the apartment. The lights were off in the living room, but you saw a glimpse of light down the hallway coming from underneath the door of her room. You know she was in her apartment.

Tiptoeing towards her room, you made sure that she didn't know you were here and as you approached, you slowly opened her door and entered. Once you opened the door, there she was, lying on her bed, asleep. Probably annoyed at the fact that you forgot about her birthday. Walking up towards her you tapped on her shoulder to try to wake her up.

"GAAAAHHHHH" Zoa screamed as you scared her.

"Wait, Hyewon it's me" you tried to calm her down which seemed to work.

"Y/N? You scared me. What are you doing here?" Zoa was surprised at your arrival.

"I got you these flowers and your favourite green tea cake" you responsed.

Zoa was still a little bit mad at you for ignoring the fact that it was her birthday and forgotten about it the whole day. But it was difficult to be mad now that you showed up unannounced, it was a surprise and Zoa liked this surprise.

"What if I don't want them?" Zoa tried to push you away and pretend to stay mad.

"Well then how about if I do this" you leaned down and gave Zoa a quick kiss on her cheeks "happy birthday Hyewon baby" you said.

"I thought you forgot it was my birthday" Zoa said looking at you.

"You think I would really forget about my Hyewon baby's birthday?" you said looking deep into Zoa's big eyes.

"But today, in Maths class you didn't even say happy birthday. I thought you genuinely forgot" Zoa said.

"If I didn't play it like that, then I won't be able to surprise you like this" you responded.

"I'll give you that, this was a pretty good surprise. I like it, but I like you more" Zoa said.

"I like you too, my Hyewon baby" you said as you leaned in and started to make out with Zoa.



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I know it's late, but it's still her birthday here where I'm at. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this little one shot for Zoa. Oh my god, they really grow up so fast, can't believe Zoa is now 18. 



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