Working Hardly? Hardly Working? | Lia Choi Jisu [ITZY]

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School, nobody likes it. But it was something that everyone needs to go through. You were in university and have barely made it through the first year of university. It wasn't easy, but you made it through just fine. Decent grade, decent life and most importantly you got yourself a girlfriend. It was safe to say that you were kicking university's arse right now. After the first year, you went home to recharge and enjoy your summer holiday before another year of studying. 

Summer flew by and soon September rolled around, it was time for another year of university. You didn't like it, similar to every other student you much preferred it to be summer holiday every day of the year so you don't have to do annoying stuff like attend classes and submit courseworks. However, there was a positive and something that you looked forward to going back to university.

Your girlfriend, Julia. She was the only reason that you wanted to go back to university as you both haven't seen each other for a few months already.

Returning to university as a second year student, you were expecting a lot more work and to put a lot more effort into your studies. Rumours have it that second year students face a lot more courseworks than first year students, and these rumours were true. After the first week of university, you were tasked to write an essay already. It truly was a return to hell it seems like.

Ready or not, like it or not, you had to do it. It was part of your degree and you didn't want to fail your degree. So you decided over the weekend you will go to the library, hit the books and try to finish writing this essay that you have due in two weeks time.

Saturday morning rolled around and you woke up early to head to the library yourself hoping that you could get as much done as possible. Finding a corner in the library, you hit the books and started writing your essay. It was tough, you couldn't believe your luck, first week back and you already had an essay to submit. All your friends from other classes didn't have to suffer from this which made it even worse. They are all out having a beer and playing pool whilst you were here stuck in the library, writing an essay.

You must have lost all the senses in the world, focusing very hard on trying to get this paper done as soon as possible. You didn't even know that someone was stood next to you for about a minute or so until that person tapped your shoulder. 

You looked up trying to see who was here to bother you.

"Hey babe" you looked up and your girlfriend Julia greeted you.

"Oh hey Juju, I didn't know you were here" you replied a bit of shock.

"I went over to your place and you weren't there, your friends said you were in the library working on your essay so I came here" she said.

"Yeah, I got to finish this" you said "go and have fun, don't worry about me" you continued trying to focus back onto your essay.

"No I'll sit here and do something whilst watching you do your work, I haven't seen you for a long time let's enjoy some time together. Pretend I'm not here" she said as she sat down opposite to you.

Despite her saying that you could pretend she wasn't there and her being quiet enough for everyone in the library to not notice, it was still very difficult for you to pretend that she was not just sat opposite of you.

With your girlfriend now sat opposite of you, you found yourself struggling to focus on your essay. She was just sat opposite to you, you tried your best to focus but you were less efficient in writing your essay. It was really difficult, you still had around 750 words to go and with your girlfriend sat right opposite to you, you can't help but look at her and forget about the task you had at hand.

Slowly, your typing speed went down, focusing your brain to somewhere else. The beautiful girl sat opposite to you was taking your focus away. It was not good, but you can't help yourself. 

Without knowing, you started to stare at your girlfriend, not for a short period of time. You just found yourself unconsciously staring at her doing her own thing. Playing on her phone and occasionally looking at her laptop to revise on her classes. She seemed very undistracted, the complete polar opposite of you. You just stared at the beautiful girl sat opposite to you, thinking about her, thinking about doing anything with her but writing your essay.

Suddenly, completely out of your zone, you were slapped back into reality by her voice.

"Babe, why are you staring at me?" your girlfriend asked.

"Huh? Was I staring? Sorry I didn't even know" you said as you blushed.

"Awwwww, come on. Finish the essay and then we can go grab some food and spend the night together" she replied.

Sometimes, you just wonder how did you end up in this situation. You were supposed to be working hardly on your essay, but now you were hardly working and just staring at your girlfriend......


Just a little quick one shot that I wrote because I was too bored whilst writing my essay and started to think about random stuff. Hope you like it. This one is for JammsLp.

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