Valentine's Date | Momo [TWICE]

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Momo POV

Valentine's Day is coming up and every year there was a school dance for Valentine's Day. It was Momo's senior year and this will be her last Valentine's dance in high school. However, Momo still haven't had a date for the dance yet. It's not because nobody asked Momo to the dance, in fact, Momo got asked by a lot of guys, but all of them were rejected by Momo. 

Momo was the senior goddess. Good looks, head cheerleader, very popular amongst everyone in the school and she was good academically as well. All the boys in the school was trying to get a date with her. All the girls wanted to be like Momo and all the boys wanted to be with Momo. 

Currently, Momo was sat at homeroom, the class representative talking about something regarding the Valentine's dance, Momo wasn't really interested in anything the class representative has to say.

"So everyone listen up, the dance will be on Monday 14th February night in the gym. Everyone is welcome to go even if you don't have a date" the class representative said.

Suddenly, the guy sitting a row behind Momo spoke up "hey Momo, I heard you still didn't have a date to the dance and neither do I. Why don't we go together?"

"No thanks, I'm good but appreciate the offer" Momo kindly rejected the date like she has been doing since the start of the month.

"What's wrong with him?" her seat mate Yui whispered to her after overhearing the conversation.

"It's just not him" Momo replied.

Considering the social status and popularity she had, you would have thought Momo would have a date to the Valentine's dance and that she would have been in a relationship with someone before. However, that was not the case. Momo has never been in a relationship with any guy before, nothing. She was pure and still waiting for her first kiss despite all the guys trying to hit on her. Ever since she started high school, she was waiting for that someone to notice her and date her. That person was none other than Y/N.


You on the other hand was the polar opposite compared to Momo when it comes to the love department. Whilst you share the same popularity as Momo, you were a lot luckier compared to Momo when it comes to relationship. During high school, you have already been in two different relationships. Your looks and the fact that you were very good at football had made you very popular amongst the girl, you were almost like a chick magnet. Every girl wanted to date you and boys were very jealous of you. Whilst you have encounters with girls in your school, you have never dated a girl before.

The fact is, both of your past relationships was with boys. You were what people would call homosexual. However, that didn't stop the girls from trying to get with you and before you came out of the closet there were rumours spreading that you were in a relationship with Momo to which you were just very good friends. However, the rumours were quickly shut down a few months ago when you had your first openly gay relationship with your "good friend" Haru.

Lately, you have been feeling different though. Ever since the break up with Haru last month, something just hit you differently. You don't know what it was, but you started to find Momo attractive which was not a problem at all. However, every time you talk to Momo your heart starts to beat extremely quickly and you feel yourself heat up. You don't know what this because ever since you started high school, you have confirmed that you do not like women and is 100% gay. 

Whilst that you think you were 100% gay, there was a secret that nobody not even you about. The fact that you were actually bisexual and not homosexual. 

Because of your recent break up, you too do not have a date to go to the Valentine's dance with which was a bit of a let down because you do not want to miss your senior dance. You have thought about asking one of your male friends to go with you but none of them wanted to go with a guy as they all feel uncomfortable. Momo was always an option but you keep telling yourself that you don't swing that way.

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