Best Four Years Of My Life [3] | Park Chaeyoung (Rosé) [BLACKPINK]

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Over the next few weeks, I keep going out with this Rosé girl. We would go out on dates after classes and then occasionally after the dates, we would go back to my place and she would spend the night with me. Things were weird between us, because while we keep sleeping together and seeing each other a lot, I still found myself getting out there, going to nightclubs and sleeping with other girls after a night out. It was safe to say that I was enjoying the university life so far but something regarding my relationship with Rosé just doesn't seem right. It just feels weird for me at least to sleep with other girls but also go back to Rosé from time to time. However, this was a problem that I do not know how to fix and have no intentions to solve it in the near future.

It was Friday, that means it's the end of the week. After my final class, I rushed home as quickly as possible. Once I arrived at my dorm, Alex flagged me down and said "Yo shagger, we're going out tonight. You want to join?" 

"Sure" I replied without even hesitating. 

Ever since I came to university, clubbing has been part of my life. It was almost like a weekly routine where I go on a mad night out every Friday after class. This doesn't feel like myself at all. I am not the type of guy who constantly let loose and sleeps with random girls from the nightclub. However, I always found myself getting with a girl and having one night stands. I have no idea what has gone into me and I certainly do not enjoy this new me. I mean hook ups and one night stands are fun, but what I really want is to have a steady relationship with a girl. At least that is what I always think what I wanted.

That night in the club, I did my usual stuff and decided to go on the prowl. I was properly drunk the moment I entered the club and every decision I make inside the club was under the influence of alcohol.

From afar, I saw this blonde girl having a good time with a few of her friends, she was definitely my type. Without hesitating, I got two drinks and headed towards their direction. 

I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and said "hey sexy, I got you a drink" as I handed the drink that I got her.

As I guided her away from her friends, we headed to a more secluded area of the club so we could have a little bit more privacy. Immediately, we started to make out in the corner of the club. "This escalated quickly" I thought to myself, but I didn't care. This was my lucky night and I am not leaving this club without taking this girl home. In the heat of the moment, I forgot about all my problems and focused on the passionate hot moment that was in front of me.

The Next Morning

I woke up the next morning with a familiar feeling. Heavy head, room spinning, massive hangover and a random girl sleeping next to me. This was nothing new to me anymore, I have accepted that this is my life now even though what I am doing feels very wrong to me. I looked over at the blonde girl, I have no idea what her name is but yet she's here on my bed spending the night with me. 

"Morning handsome, I had fun last night let's do it again sometime" the girl woke up and said.

As she left my room, I laid back down on my bed and thought "what the f*** is wrong with me?" I used to be the loyal guy who would stay with his girlfriend but now I have turned into this guy who goes to parties and clubs and does one night stands with girls that I hooked up in the club. It was as if my personality has took a 180 degree turn, and as much as the girl I slept with was totally my type, it still felt wrong to do such thing with her. 

That whole day, I can't stop but just to think about what I did last night. It just doesn't felt right, especially with what I have going on with Rosé. I don't know why, but even though she's not my girlfriend it still feels like I'm cheating on her when I go and take girls back to my place. Honestly, I don't know what my feelings for her are, it was very complicated.

Have I managed to fall in love with Rosé without myself knowing? 


And that's the end of this mini series. Little bit of a short ending, but hope you still enjoyed this mini series and please don't kill me if this isn't the ending you want.

Thank you very much for your support on this book and just remember if you want to request a plot for a one shot, you could just do it by requesting on the request page or simply just send me a direct message.

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