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Jordan pov:

I'm so glad August let me go when Chris and Tyga left. I was going upstairs to get stop by August talking about give me a lap dance. And I said no. Then I continued to walk until he pulled me down.

August pov:

When she said no when I told her to come here I pulled her little self on the ground. I commanded her to take off her shirt and pants. But she just stared at me with her eyes filled tears.

August: Take it off now!!!

Jordan: NO!

August: I'm tired your smart mouth (takes off belt)

Jordan: NO......NO NO NO PLZ....! (Crying, takes off running to August room)

August: Bring yo' but back here Jordan! (Running after her)

Jordan: No!!! (Shuts door and hold it)

Jordan pov:

August busted the door down and made me fall to the ground. He came up to me with fear in his eyes, then he pick me up off the ground roughly and slammed me onto the bed.

August: Baby girl why you acting like this its my birthday. (Smirking)

Jordan: What to give you? I don't have nothing!!!

August: Only one thing so I can show you that I really love you.

Jordan: No.... (Sitting back on the bed frame balled up)

August: Why!?!

Jordan: You don't understand I'm only 16!

August: Age nothing but a number an I'm 23 and 5 years older than you cause your b-day tomorrow (smirking)

Jordan: No I'm not ready (crying)

August: Yes you is my love. (Climb on top of the bed with Jordan)

Jordan: Plz no.. (August holds Jordan arms)

August: Yes... (Rapes Jordan)

KIDNAPPED BY (AUGUST ALSINA)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن