32. Go Benry!

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*Chapter dedicated to @Cheer_Lynnsey*


My phone starts to vibrate and play the One Direction 'Wake Up Song' (Don't know what it is? Look it up). I get up and change into a shirt that said 'I'm not lazy. I'm on energy saving mode', a pair of jean shorts and my galaxy type vans. I put my hair into a messy braid and the put on my AHS beanie over it. I was feeling pretty gothic today.

I walked downstairs and made myself some pancakes, and a little extra knowing that Henry would want some. As I poured the batter onto the pan Henry walks into my house smiling and slightly skipping.

"Why are you so happy today?" I asked.

"I can't be happy?" Henry says and I raise an eyebrow. "Fine, I'm happy because...I get to see my amazing, beautiful, intelligent, and did I say beautiful girlfriend every day."

"Oh how sweet", I joke.

"What's up with you?"

"Nothing", I say, "I made pancakes."

"Oh, can I have some?" Told you he would ask for some.

"I did make extra", I say smiling.


Henry and I walk into school and see the schools top journalist writer Lynnsey asking everyone questions. She soon makes her way to Henry and I at his locker.

"Hey guys", Lynnsey says. I could tell she was overly excited about something.

"Hey", Henry and I say in unison.


"What..." we say.

"You two have been nominated for cutest couple of the month!" she yells as she jumps.

I look over at Henry and see that his eyes are about to fall out of his eye sockets. I look back at Lynnsey and my jaw drops. "Seriously?" I ask. She nods so fast that it looked like her head was about to fall off of her body. (Throwing all these metaphors around: P)

"Yeah, but the winner won't be announced until the end of the day. So make sure, you are the cutest you have EVER been today. I hope you win. I totally ship Benry!" she squeals and skips away to talk to more people. She was probably asking people's opinions on the couples so she could write a post on the school page or something. Though I wish she told me who we were up against.

I look over at Henry and smile. "Ready to be cuter than cute?"

Henry smiles back and nods. "We can so pull this off."

The last bell would ring in 10 minutes and announcements are still not on to announce the winners. Henry and I have held hands all day, kissed before and after every class, lost track of time in each other's eyes...everything you could possibly think a cute couple would do. We did so much and didn't even know how the other couple we were competing with was.

The announcements bell 'binged' and it started.

"Good afternoon students of Swellview Junior High. We have picked the winner of the cutest couple of the month. The nominees were...Benry, Henry and Aubree." Everyone in the class started cheering. "Calisa, Chan and Melisa" Everyone was silent except for Miss Shappen...her job was to be supportive of children. She didn't usually, but she did when it came to names on the announcements. "And last but not least...Shloe, Shane and Chloe." Then people cheered...not as loud, but they did. They were probably torn between the two couples. "And the winner for cutest couple of the month is..."

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