33. The Date

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~Aubree's Point of View~

Today was mine and Henry's date to Soto Voce. Then tomorrow was Easter. My dad and I weren't really into celebrating, we liked to think of it as having another Christmas, but you only get your stocking and not the actual presents, just the tiny ones.

I got my dad a bracelet that had mine and his name engraved into it and under it, it says 'World's Greatest Family'. It was kinda stupid, but I liked it.

I got up from my bed and went to my bathroom to take a shower. When I was done I put on my dress and flats and let my hair air dry. While I let it dry I turned on my TV so I could watch Finding Carter.

When my hair was dried, I put it into a messy type ponytail. Next I put on some Baby Lips and then I put my matching arrow bracelet and necklace on. I was so excited to go on our date.

I was about to go downstairs when I heard dad and Hunter yelling at each other...Great. I stop walking and try to listen to their conversation.





All of a sudden it gets quiet. Dad was most likely shocked. I can't believe that Hunter told dad that. I was a little mad at the time because I didn't want dad to know about my powers. I finally hear a grunt, which was probably Hunter. Then I heard footsteps coming my way and I panicked. I ran back to my room and slowly closed the door so I didn't slam it.

I hear a slight knock at my door. I step away from the door, resisting to open it when I hear someone - probably Hunter - whisper. "I know you were listening".

When I finally know he's gone, I open the door and walk downstairs for real this time. Dad is on the couch, face in hands. I walk over to him and sit next to him.

"Dad, are you okay?" I ask. Dad shakes his head no inside his hands and then sits up.

"Why didn't you tell me? Aubree...you tell me everything. Well, at least I thought you told me everything", dad says frowning making me frown.

"I didn't know how you'd react. I thought you would get angry or something."

"I-I'm not angry. Not at you for that matter, but I am definitely mad at your brother."

"One second, I'll be right back", I say getting up and running back to my room to grab his bracelet. I run back downstairs with the box behind my back.

"I was gonna wait until Easter, but I think I should give it to you now", I say smiling.

"Aubree, you didn't have to", he sighs.

"I know, but I wanted to", I say as I give him the box.

~Aubree's Father's Point of View~

Aubree hands me a black cardboard box and smiles. I look from the box back to her and slowly take it from her hands.

I open the box up to see a stainless steel bracelet with our names on it with 3 words under it...World's Greatest Family. I felt a tear fall from my cheek and hit the bracelet. I wiped the tears away with one of my hands and held the bracelet in the other. Soon enough I was putting it on my wrist.

"Aubree...I-I love it", I say, "Thank you so much sweetie."

"You're welcome", she says. She gives me a hug and smiles. "I have to go now though...duty awaits."

"You aren't going to put yourself in danger are you?"

"No...I'm going on a date, with Henry."

"Oh, okay...have fun", I say smiling. She waves goodbye and walks out of the house.

~Henry's Point of View~

"Henry, are you awake yet?!" I hear my mom yell from outside of my door. My eyes open instantly and I sit up.

"Oh crap!" I say to myself, "I have to get ready."

My mom walks into my room and sees me sitting on my bed. "Henry, what are you doing? Don't you have a date with Bree today?"

"Yeah, I do, I forgot to set my alarm last night!"

"Well, are you going to get up?" my mom says crossing her arms.

"Not until you get out", I exhale.


"Because..." I say, "Just get out."

"Okay, I'm leaving", she says and walks out of my room without closing my door.

"MOM!" I yell. She walks back into my room and raises an eyebrow. "Close my door."

"Oh...right", she says and gives me a half smile as she leaves, this time closing my door.

I get up from my bed and quickly grab a towel from my closet and run over to the bathroom to take a shower. I take about 5 minutes to take my shower and run back into my room.

I throw on a black button up shirt and kakis. I slide on my worn out vans and comb my hair into its normal mop shape.

The doorbell rings and I run downstairs. I swing open the door to see Aubree in this beautiful dress. She gives me the biggest smile which makes me smile back.

"You look...amazing", I say with a smile plastered on my face.

"So do you", Aubree says. She extends her hand to me and I grab it, intertwining our fingers together. I walk out of the house closing the door and we walk to Soto Voce.

"I don't suppose you have cheeseburgers here", Aubree says. The waiter gives her a disgusted look.

"No, we don't have American food here", the waiter groans.

"Oh, okay...I'm good with some lasagna than", Aubree says passing the waiter her menu.

The waiter looks over at me, signaling that it was my turn to order. "Uh, same thing", I say smiling.

"Okay", he says and walks away.

Our food arrived and we (obviously) ate it. It was really good (once again, obviously). After we were done, Aubree and I went to the park and walked around for a few minutes, talking about nonsense.

Soon I walked Bree home. "I had a great time tonight", Aubree says in her doorway.

"Me too", I say smiling. She lightly grabs my hands and sways them side to side. She leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

"I'll see you on Monday", Aubree says.

"Why can't I see you tomorrow?"

"Because...it's Easter", Aubree laughs.

"Oh...right", I sigh looking down at my feet.

"If you want, you can text me", Aubree says with her adorable smile. I smile back and slightly jump.

"Okay, good", I say. She laughs again and kisses me once more.

"Now go home, it's getting dark."

"Okay, bye", I say waving at her as she closes her front door.

I walk home really happy for some reason.

God, I love her.

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