C H A P T E R 2 : Befriending Hero

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[ This chapter is inspired by the songs Love Is (Linda) and Precoius To Me both from The Walten Files ]

It's been about two weeks since Bayani has been living with his grandparents. He's become closer and closer with Britain, but not with Soviet. Understandably why.

This morning, Soviet has been spending more time in the bathroom. He's not in the shower, not at all. He's done taking a shower. He's just standing in front of the mirror, making random poses and faces - trying his best to practice on how to be friendly. After him and Britain made up, they've made sure to prioritize raising Bayani. And of course, how is he going to do his side of the deal if every time he walks into the room, Bayani keeps running to Britain's side and tightly cling onto his leg.

He's not trying to traumatize him. He's already traumatized enough. But he just has to be born naturally scary, huh?

Soviet groans in defeat as he slams his hands on the side of the sink. "Ugh, this is hopeless..."


Soviet flinches a little.

"Sovi, you okay in there? You've been in the bathroom for almost an hour." Britain states from the other side of the door. Soviet answers, "I'm alright darling, no need to worry!"

"Well, what're you even doing in there? I wanna take a shower too, y'know!" Britain grumbles. Soviet playfully rolls his eyes as he unlocks the door to see his annoyed little husband. "You're never in the bathroom for this long. Something happen?"

Soviet sheepishly rubs the back of his neck as he looked quite abashed, almost enough to be unable to look him directly in the eyes. "Ah, well, you see... I may or may not have spent the last hour trying to look, um... Friendlier ?"

There was a sudden pause before Britain erupted into laughter. "Oh my, this is about Bayani, isn't it?"

" Да. " The taller male sighs. "I just feel kinda left out, y'know? He's so close to you. But when it's with me, he starts crying. Aren't the матрешки that I've given him enough? I mean, I can't even see him playing with 'em!"

"He loves it, honey. He always keeps them all safe in the little doll hotel that we bought him."

"O h... But still! It isn't fair. I also want for him to love me."

Ah yes, the most communistic sentence you could ever read.

He adds on, " You don't think that Америка pollute his mind with capitalist propaganda, do you?"

Britain inhales sharply. "I'm going to be completely honest with you. This is America we're talking about. What do you think did he let Bayani watch 24/7 when he was a baby? "

Soviet groans. "Ugh, I hate that capitalist brat so much."

Britain chuckles a little. "Oh c'mon, cheer up hon." He gingerly cups the latter's cheeks. "It's not that bad. Just talk to him. Maybe we could even all go out to an amusement park or something." He then gives him a kiss. "Now get going. It's Thursday. Your day to make breakfast." Britain then passes by Soviet to get inside the bathroom before turning back with a sly smirk. "Unless you want to join me in the shower for a quickie~"

Soviet smirks back as he closes the door. " You know that I'll never pass up an opportunity to have sex with you~ "

A little while later, Soviet went ahead and finally actually did make breakfast. Britain, on the other hand, didn't seem like he was going to join them, unfortunately. He rushed down the stairs, fully dressed and everything. "I'm so sorry, but I need to leave early." He says in a panic-stricken tone. "England suddenly called me and said that we were going to have an emergency meeting with the rest of my other older brothers." He sighs, "I better get there before all hell breaks loose 'cos of him and Scotland fighting again."

"But what about your breakfast?" Soviet asks with a small frown as he already finished preparing everything, and was just about to eat with Bayani, who was patiently just sitting there on the table. Britain walks over and takes a few bites off of the fried egg that was part of the full meal that Soviet prepared for them three. "You finish the rest, hon." He instructs as he gives him a long kiss, before he ruffles Bayani's hair. "Don't be afraid to talk to your Grandpa Soviet, 'ight?"

Bayani just nods a little. Afterwards, Britain then swiftly walks over to the door. "Bye, you two!" And there he left.

Soviet sighs as he felt a little disappointed because of the extra food. He pulled Britain's plate towards the middle. "More for us then." He chuckles as he grabs the piece of toast. "Want some more toast?" He offers to Bayani. "Sure," The child coyly smiled as he took the piece of bread. Soviet then takes the rest of the fried egg that Britain just took a bite out of and finishes it up.

As they were eating together, it was complete silence as per usual. Britain was out for the day, so this was definitely Soviet's chance to improve his relationship with his new grandson. His mind goes back to earlier this morning when Britain suggested the idea of going to an amusement park. He remembers there's one that's just a few kilometres away. Not that bad considering how far other similar establishments are. He turns to Bayani and speaks up, "So... Since he's gone, is there anything you wanna do today?"

Bayani just awkwardly shrugs. Soviet then suggests, "Well, how about we go to an amusement park today?"

"An amusement park?"

"Yeah. Pretty lights, big rides. You'll love it!" He answers, attempting a big and wholesome s m i l e. Bayani may or may not have almost choked on his toast upon seeing that 's m i l e', but he agreed to the idea of going to an amusement park anyway.

After finishing up their breakfast, Soviet told Bayani to get ready in which he did. He brought his penguin backpack again. He was going to stuff Mr Snugglemuffins in there but he didn't exactly fit. Of course, Bayani didn't want to forcefully shove his teddy bear in there to fit, which he could've, because he thought that it was very rude and merciless to do so. Poor Mr Snugglemuffins.

So instead, everyone can see Mr Snugglemuffins when they walk around for the backpack is just half-zipped which ended up for Mr Snugglemuffins's little head sticking out from the top with his fluffy arms also sticking out from the sides.

Let's just hope nobody's interest is piqued upon seeing it, and much worse yet, think of kidnapping Bayani.

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