C H A P T E R 11: Soviet Can't Decide

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[Yes, this is based on the song "Johnny Cant Decide" from Tick Tick Boom. If you know the lyrics, then you may find references to said lyrics in this chapter, as well as the two other upcoming ones.]

He stayed outside tonight. The argument died down a bit when they almost reached home, but the thick tension was still there and it was killing them all inside. 

They all took separate spaces to low-key clear their heads. Without any talk whatsoever, Britain locked himself in the master bedroom, Bayani in his, and Soviet decided to get drunk outside. Vodka was always his stress-reliever after all. It's not the most healthy of them all, but it did the job, and that's all that mattered to him. 

This routine continued for days... Which turned into weeks... And frankly, one could say that it's close to turning into months.

Everyone has been ignoring each other and not one soul has ever piped up. 

Britain is becoming more secretive and is always sitting in his office, alone. Soviet doesn't know what he's doing nor does he want to know... At least not now. Just thinking about all the secrets Britain could be hiding from him is already giving him a headache and stressing him out more.

Speaking of being stressed, the couch is absolutely shitty. His back hurts. He swears that isn't just because of how old he is. The couch really is just the uncomfiest couch to sleep in... And you'll surely start to realize that if you've been sleeping their for at least a week.

 He doesn't want to sleep in the same bed as Britain. He's very well of his own anger issues and doesn't want to lose control and possibly strangle him, and even end up killing him.

That's the least of what he wants to happen.

He's extremely pissed off at him, but deep down, he still loves him. He just doesn't feel like he can deal with this right now. 

And as for Bayani, it seems to be starving himself. He hasn't left his room all throughout and it's still locked. He wouldn't talk to anyone either. If you knock, he'll just give one knock back as a way to tell you to fuck off. But sometimes when Soviet does it, he just hears an aggressive thud. It's like he just threw something at the door instead of a knock. Not even talks about Albion is able to persuade him to get out of the room. He just got more aggressive thuds and knocks from him. 

Soviet could've sworn that he saw some pieces of cotton slip through though... Good lord, what has that child been doing in there... 

He's going to be happy if he heard that Bayani is getting stronger, but not in this way. If it's true, and he's ripping the nonexistent souls out of his friends, then that is just very concerning. 

A part of him wonders what the other two have really been getting up to in their time of isolation. And another part of him wishes he didn't. The more he thought of them, the more it just stressed him out. He's still somewhat pissed.

Speaking of pissed, he decided to take a walk in a forest today and he ended up punching the shit out of the trees. One almost tipped over and fell. 

Although releasing his pain like that proved to be rather therapeutic to him. His knuckles may be in pain but it relieved a lot of his stress which was quite nice.

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