C H A P T E R 5: World Academy

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[ As a Hetalian, the title gives me vietnam war flashbacks-  *Glares at England and Seychelles*  A N Y W A Y- ]

It's been three months since Bayani's been with Soviet and Britain. He's been enjoying his time there with him, and he doesn't even care at all that his father 'threw him away'. In fact, he's really glad that he did. One time, America decided to call Britain to check on Bayani. Britain handed the phone to him and let the kid talk to his dad. 

America seems relieved to hear Bayani sounding happy for once. Usually, he'd be so quiet that people don't even notice that he's there. And now he's all bubbly and loud. "That's a nice change, I guess..." America thought to himself.

The conversation was relatively simple and nice... Until America asked about Soviet, and Bayani's been happily telling him all about how Soviet said that he's wrong about everything, and basically just starts rambling about communist propaganda. 

And there Bayani innocently says, "He also said you're a stinky poo-poo buttface and that capitamitism sucks! :D" (Yes, Bayani doesn't know how to say capitalism properly-)


Soviet snatched the phone from Bayani as he pats his head. "Okay, I think that's enough call time for today, hon-"

"Aww.." Bayani pouts. While Soviet walked away and was trying so hard not to laugh so hard. "Kids are so cute, aren't they?" 


" Welp, it's time for us to eat breakfast. Bye Америка !~ "


B E E P !

Soviet ambled through the kitchen to meet up with Britain who was making them pancakes. He wraps his hands around the smaller man's waist as he slides the phone back into the latter's pockets. Britain snickered, "You really just had to hang up on him like that, didn't you?" 

Soviet chuckles. "Well, it's always enjoyable to mess with him."

Yes, they're all doing very well. Happy family they are. Anyhow, even thought Soviet and Britain both promised Bayani that they'll stop fighting each other, they still ended up doing so. There's a certain topic that concerns the child of which they certainly have opposing opinions on. 

Enrolling Bayani in World Academy.

World Academy is a prestigious school that was thought about by UN in the 1950s, which was funded by several countries around the world who agreed to the idea, mostly the G7 members. It aimed to educate the younger generation of countries and other micronations/states about the basics of economics, leadership, and geo-politics. An attempt to make the world a safer place, and ensure that the future generations would have peaceful and competent world rulers. It sounds like a big task to ensure to 8-year olds, but hey, they're far from normal humans. It's the norm for them. 

Britain opposed to the idea and claimed that it's better if Bayani was home-schooled, but Soviet wanted for Bayani to be a student of World Academy. In the end, they ended up with agreeing to Bayani being enrolled to World Academy. 

Bayani was surely scared. Let's say, he's not the most extroverted person there is. He likes to make friends, but just as long as they're cute stuffies. If it's real people then... That's gonna be a different topic. 

When they told it to him, he was mortified. He wanted to lie down on the floor and cry. Britain always comforted him and defended him whenever Soviet brings up that he needs to go to school. 

During night time, Bayani curled up in his bed and tightly hugged all of his stuffie friends and cried. Britain peeked into his bedroom with Soviet doing the same with him. Britain sighs as he moves away from the door and looks up at his husband. "I think you should go talk to him. You're the one who wanted for him to go to school in the first place."

Soviet sighs as he nods. He walked over to the boy. He was absolutely wrapped in his blanket with his back turned. It's like he doesn't want anyone talking to him. Soviet sat on the side of the bed and gingerly pulled down a bit of the blanket. "You know you won't be able to breathe if you have the blanket all the way up like that. We'd be really sad if you passed away cos you're wrapped in your blanket like a breakfast burrito." He said, trying to lighten the mood but to no avail. 

"Look, why do you hate going to school so much?"

"...I-I just don't like it."

"Why is that?"

"People are scary... Everyone is scary. Like you."

If Soviet hasn't accidentally scared about half a million children in his life, he would be offended, but this only just almost made him laugh. "Well, I guess that's true. The world is a scary place, but you're never gonna get to anywhere if you keep hiding under your blankie. Think of... Think of the school as King Logan from our usual bedtime story."

Finally, Bayani turned over to face him with bloodshot eyes. "I'm gonna start a revolution and overthrow the school for being a meanie?"

Soviet almost choked on air. "N-No, no! What I mean is that school can be tough. That's just the first part of facing the big and scary world. And you gotta overcome those challenges to become stronger!"

"Like the prince?"

"Exactly like the prince. Think of me and Grandpa like Walter and Jasper. For starters, we're already here to back you up. And as you adventure through the school, you're gonna meet new people that will join you and become your best friends."

"Will I ever become friends with someone as cool as Captain Swift?"
"Of course! Who wouldn't want to be friends with the prince? And hey, if anybody bullies you, we'll be there to beat 'em up good."

Bayani giggles. "Yeah, for Albion."

"Mhm, definitely. For Albion!"

Who knew some random bedtime story could get a child excited to go to school?

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