C H A P T E R 3: Uh Oh...

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And then they were off. Soviet was starting up the car, meanwhile, Bayani was having trouble getting into the vehicle again. Soviet tried to hold back a chuckle. "You need some help there, kiddo?"

"No. I-I'm okay." He was clearly not okay.

Soviet playfully rolled his eyes as he grabbed Bayani by the hood of his floofy little blue hoodie, lifted him up, and then gently placed him down in the very middle passenger seat in the back. "Thanks," Bayani coyly answers in a low voice. "No problem," Soviet chuckles as he puts on Bayani's seat belt for him, proceeding to shut the door and hop in the driver's seat. Bayani was weirded out by the change of driver's seat, but that's just him being American.

Soviet got himself comfortable and drove off. The trip there to the amusement park was quiet as expected. Soviet tried to strike up a conversation with him several times, but just like before, it was just a one question = one answer kind of situation. Though he learned quite a bit about Bayani though, not so much that he was honestly happy to hear because, as expected, Bayani's mind is filled with capitalist propaganda. Others were more offensive than others, and some almost made Soviet feel like he just wanted to commit a Felix Kranken and then kill the child in a car crash. But he tried his best to keep his composure and 'correct' Bayani, now filling him with communist propaganda. What a responsible adult Soviet is.

Bayani is quite confused now because of the conflicting statements from his dad and his new grandpa, but he thinks it's best to believe Grandpa Soviet more. Oh no. You poor innocent child... 

Anyhow, an hour or two later, they've reached the amusement park. It was like one the ones by the bay, overlooking the sea. It had a beautiful view, and it was just as Soviet described it; pretty lights and big rides. You'd think someone like Bayani wouldn't really be that surprised, considering how basically every brother and sister of his have something that is most likely more extravagant than this, and that he's probably seen it all, but no. He stood there frozen with his mouth left half agape. There were just so many rides and game booths that he wanted to try. He wanted to win every prize. They were all fluffy teddy bears and unicorns - his absolute favourite.

And while he's intensely screaming internally in absolute excitement, his external demeanour seems to be the opposite. Though from him just looking around like he doesn't know where to start first, Soviet knows that he's very well dumbfounded by it all. 

He held gingerly held the boy's little hand as they amble through the amusement park. At first, they tried some basic game booths where you toss something to hit a target and get a funky prize. As expected, most of the games were purposely hard so that no one would ever win the prizes. But because of Soviet's strength and him helping out Bayani, they've won a lot of prizes. Mr Snugglemuffins is going to have a lot of new friends now! <3

But there was one that was an absolute scam. Bayani hit the bottle fair and square but the smug booth attendant still counted it as a fail because of some dumb 'rules'. Oh, if only Britain himself was here, everyone would have trembled in fear of their absolute superior. But even if Britain isn't here right now, Soviet still knows well how to instill fear onto others.

While Bayani was too busy sulking, Soviet grabbed the booth attendant by the neck and began slowly squeezing it. "This little kid's hit that bottle and you know that he deserved it. Rules my arse. You better give him that panda that he wanted so badly or you won't even be able to live another second to scam another customer. Do you understand me? "

The booth attendant shakily nodded as his heart raced. Soviet slowly put him down and backed away, crossing his arms while locking a dark glare onto the man. The booth attendant gingerly took the panda stuffed toy on display and called out to Bayani, "Hey kid. Here you go. I-I was wrong..." He takes a small glance at Soviet who still had his eyes locked onto him. He gulped as he shakily turns back to Bayani and hands him the panda. "Y-You win! ...Yay! W-Well done...!"

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