C H A P T E R 20: Come To Your Senses

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[Your least favourite author just cant stop referencing Tick Tick Boom, can he? Also, if you've listened to Frame Of Mind from Chapter 18, then you may references from it cos I've literally been building this up just for the song cos yes.

Warning: Toxic parenting, mental abuse, suicide mention, me slandering Britain, America, and Soviet, etc..You know the freaking drill lmao ]

The Big Three continued to tower over the very short and stick-bodied Sealand, death threatening him and making him more scared to even answer. Bayani peeked from the secret passageway and witnessed it all from afar, little did the three know that he was just right behind them. After a bit of silent watching, he thought that it was enough and Uncle Sealand needed help. He gingerly pushed the furniture out of the way so he could open the hatch enough for him to slip through and out of the tunnel. He stumbled a little but he's okay. He then took in a deep breath and yelled "Stop!" at them. All eyes turned to him, and frankly, he's about to shit his shorts from the Big Three just suddenly snapping their heads toward him. "...P-Please?" He stammered.

America smirked and was the first one to approach him. His son, on the other hand, is less than thrilled to see the person responsible for bringing him to life. "Yani, my boy!" He goes, picking up Bayani in a slapdash manner and began rubbing his cheeks against the other. His son is most definitely extremely uncomfortable with this and would be happy if he was put down on the floor, but just like a rich dog owner, his father is smothering him with toxic affection. The pet is suffocating but the owner is too ignorant to notice and is forcing his way despite its obvious unhealthy consequences. It's not even really affection per se. America is pathetically trying to get Bayani's empathy. He's just a kid. What the hell does he know, right? Well, little did America realize that his son has had enough and can see right through his ruses. Bayani tried squirming out of America's tight grasp but his attempts were proven rather futile. "We've been looking all over for you, y'know!" Bayani grumbled, "...W-Why are you here?"

"Taking you home, duh! I miss having you around my office. I wanna have you again." America answers. Bayani's eyes widen and it's like all life just completely leaves his body. He almost forgot about that. He was so happy with his new and truly free life with Uncle Sealand that he was able to heal... But now, the very person who injured him has returned to burden his life once more with his toxic parenting. And that's not the only problem...

Britain heaved a deep sigh. "Why did you run away like that?! And why... Here? With this... Thing ?"

"...I'm a person too-" Sealand utters, feeling rather offended by his father's remarks. "Shut the hell up, Ocean cucumber. This doesn't concern you."
"-Actually, my name is Seala-"

"-Same thing." Britain immediately cuts him off. Soviet steps in with his husband. He's not just naturally scary anymore. He's pissed. He's making sure Bayani's down in hell with the amount of fear he would feel. And while they did tire themselves and even getting their militaries conjoining for this search and rescue mission, it's the only thing they're thinking about. Bayani is just a stupid child after all. "You have caused us so much to get you, do you even understand that??!" He yells.

America haphazardly drops Bayani which caused for the boy to wince in pain. "What is with you even leaving in the first place?? Your life is so perfect! And what's with you throwing away the things we've given you? What the hell has gotten into you, kid??!"

Britain then began to go on a tangent, and starts yelling at Bayani, pretty much about all the same things. Soviet does the same, and it's like all three of their voices began overlapping. All eyes were darted towards the small boy, and Bayani is about to have a breakdown. He tried so hard not to but his gaze is trapped and he's forced to stare back at their stern gazes, and listen to all their complaints about him existing. Again, he began to felt that it was all his fault that he was alive. Sealand would've wanted to do something, but he's just as helpless as he is. Bayani couldn't help but backed up into the wall behind him. All their dark gazes and their lanky figures all looming over him, their shadows that tower over him becoming one and engulfing him into the darkness again. Bayani tried to keep his composure and not let the thoughts to him, but he has had enough, and that is when he finally snapped. From the deepest depths of his heart, with all he has in his throat, he stood up to the adults and yelled at them: "SHUT UP. ALL. OF YOU. SHUT THE HECKERS UP!!! "

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