C H A P T E R 8: Right And Kind

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[I'm somewhat suffering from a writers block so just keep that in mind :')

This is also inspired by the song My Alcoholic Friends by The Dresden Dolls, and a particular scene from Wonder lol'

Also mild cursing. But hey, Soviet's been cursing his ass off for several chapters anyway so this warning is kinda useless anyway lmao.

Oh yeah, keep in mind that things are gonna get a bit violent again + suicide mention, and very offensive and racist things]

Don't ask why. It's just gonna happen. And no, I don't condone any of these things. Don't attack me.]

"Remember everyone. When faced with a situation of whether to do the right or the kind, choose kind. " That's what Italy would always say. Filetinno would often mock his father and end up getting detention for it. It's a shame that Filetinno is always being left behind. Bayani and Khloen think he's the funny one in the group. Ikaria is fun to be with too. But she's just....

"Okay, but Icarus! There's so much more to him than meets the eye. He's more than just someone who flew far into the sun!" Yeah, she's just... Y e a h.

Bayani and Khloen would sometimes wish she'd just shut up, but that's rude. And they both don't have the courage to ever tell her that, nor to anyone at the school. Even with Filetinno and Ikaria gone, Khloen may not even last either. Britain and Soviet is not entirely sold on Khloen. 

"He's a good kid, " Bayani would hear whenever the two are having an 'adult conversation'. "But if he's living with the devil, then I'm not going to be surprised if he starts committing arson at the academy."

Bayani never understood the hatred for Khloen and his grandpa. But he's too scared to ask anyway. Whatever happened back then, maybe its that despicable for them to even freely discuss it. Maybe it's the best he stays quiet.

Britain and Soviet has warned Bayani before to be wary about Khloen and even stay away from him. Bayani is not particularly the rebellious type. But he platonically loves Khloen, and believes that it's wrong for them to judge Khloen like this. But what does he know, he's just an 8 year old lol.

Anyhow, the two still continue to hang out in secret at school. The academy is practically overpopulated with students. It's not like anyone cares about those two and would snitch, especially Ikaria and Filetinno. 

As of the moment, the two were just around the outskirts of the campus. The campus is big and they thought that it would be fun to explore around more. At least if they need to get to a certain area in the near future, they already know where to go.It was currently lunch break. Ikaria went ahead and hung out with her other female friends. Meanwhile, Filetinno was still stuck in detention. Even with the immensely painful noises coming from everywhere because of all the other students of all ages and races passing by, it felt so tranquil to Bayani and Khloen. They had each other, and that was enough to keep them happy. 

"Well if it isn't the abandoned whore," A voice booms. Heavy Swedish accent. Bold and brash. Looks like an 7th Grader or something... Oh no. " Jag hörde att din slampiga pappa har en annan mästare, så nu lever du med den där självmordsgalningen. " He laughs. It was Ladonia. The older male had Khloen easily in his grasp, picking him up by the collar of his plaid flannel shirt. Khloen choked a sob as he tried to avert his gaze away from Ladonia, badly wishing he didn't understand what he was saying. Ladonia was insulting him and his papa. Insensitively, making Khloen remember his parents's divorce, and even calling his papa a slut. As well as bringing up Third Reich committing suicide. "Aren't Germans supposed to be wild and violent? Why so quiet now, huh?" Ladonia questions again, inching closer to Khloen, taunting him even more. "...N-Not all of us are like that." Khloen uttered out as tears began to dribble down his cheeks. 

"Oh yeah? Well I wonder how Germans would react if I did this," Ladonia slams Khloen to a wall, which caused for the latter to shriek and groan in pain. His glasses shattering in the process. Things were already bad enough, but now Khloen's vision has been impaired. He begged for Ladonia to stop in his native language, but the upperclassman was rather relentless.

Bayani wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to defend him but he didn't know how to. He trembled at the sight. His eyes scanned around his surroundings for something he could possibly use as his weapon. There he found a rather uncomfortably large rock. He called to Ladonia to get his attention. And with a perfect shot, as practised with Soviet, he hit him hard right in the eye. Ladonia groaned as he ended up relinquishing Khloen in a slap-dash manner. The boy fell to the asphalt pavement. He squints as he attempts to get to his bearings and feel the world around him. Not only has he lost his glasses but the shards from it has affected his eyes even more. He doesn't understand what's happening, but he thinks it's going well. He heard Ladonia in pain after all. 

Bayani, with all his might, tried his best to attack Ladonia. Sometimes with the rocks and even going in himself and throwing punches at the lad. Who knew Texas and Florida teaching him how to fight was actually something good. Back then, he said he hates these lessons but his older brothers would still force him to get through it anyway. Now he wishes he could thank them for it. Of course, Ladonia fought back and was stronger than Bayani. Way stronger. But that didn't stop the little hero to continue on and do his best to take revenge for Khloen.

This wasn't right. This wasn't right at all. The three of them knew this. It was against the rules and surely even their parents and guardians would be absolutely pissed off if they hear about this. It may not be right, but it isn't wrong. It is kind. It is a generous act. Bayani knows it's against the rules, and he should've just ran to tell a teacher or another faculty member about this - just as all students are instructed to do in case of a problem occurring with no employees present to immediately stop it. But that would only cause for more problems to happen. If Bayani was to escape, Khloen may have had it worse. 

He's already blinded. What more were to happen if Bayani left? Just the thought of it already sends chills down Bayani's spine. He doesn't want to think about anything right now. He's not thinking about Britain, Soviet, Third Reich, Singapore, Italy... None of them. They could all bugger off. What he's focusing on now is protecting his best friend - no matter who he is. Everyone could hate on Khloen, but Bayani knows that he means well. He's nothing like his ancestors. He's nothing like anybody before him.

It all circled back to Italy's precept. When faced with a situation of whether to do the right or the kind, choose kind.

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