C H A P T E R 6: Wonder

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[ The title and the next few chapters are based on the movie of the same name. It's a great movie honestly, genuinely suggest you check it out. It's a movie about a little kid with Treachers Collins Syndrome who always shunned himself out from the public, gets to experience what its like to be a 'normal kid' in a 'normal school'. 

It's just a great movie for everyone. Makes me cry honestly. Everything is depressing and relatable, but really wholesome and honestly a tad bit gay lmao (No srsly, there's this line: "Your boyfriend's my problem" that makes it seem like the protagonist and his best friend are gay lol)

There's also gonna be a lot of references and scenes inspired by the movie in the chapters, so if you've watched it, tell me if you notice any references here lmao ]

After a week of getting in touch with UN about enrolling Bayani in World Academy and other preparations, the kid is ready to go. Today is his first day at school, and he's less thrilled than he was that past week. 

At the moment, Soviet and Britain are driving Bayani to the school. He's got everything ready, so what could go wrong right? At least that's what Soviet and Britain think. Bayani decided to bring Mr Snugglemuffins to school for emotional support, according to Britain's suggestion.

"Are you excited for your new school?" Soviet asks. Bayani only utters a small yes. Britain sighs as he tries to cheer up Bayani and tell him some exciting things about the school. Although the child is just more nervous now. 

After a 20-minute drive to the campus, they all step out the car and Britain carries Bayani out into the entrance. The child looks like he wants to take a step back and then run away. Of course, the couple notices this. Soviet pats Britain's shoulder as he whispers, "Wait in the car."

Britain nods with a small frown as he's just as worried for the boy. He pats Bayani's head as he forces a smile. "Have fun at school, alright?"

Bayani nods a little. Britain then did as instructed and went back inside the car. Meanwhile Soviet lead Bayani further into the campus. They stopped after a couple steps. The older male sighed as he looked down at his new grandson. "Now they say only cool people are allowed pass this point. And even though I'm the coolest guy here, I'd think that the prince is ready to start his adventure and recruit some people for the revolution."

He looked down at Bayani who began to smile a little. Soviet saluted, "For Albion."

Bayani giggled and saluted as well. "For Albion!"

Soviet chuckled along as he knelt down and hugged him. "Be good, alright? Always remember that we're here for you in case something happens. We'll be back to pick you up later in the afternoon, alright?" 

"Okay," Bayani answers as he hugs back. Soviet pats his back and then takes his leave, and joins Britain in the car, who was watching from the window.

Britain sighs. "Sovi, I'm already regretting this. We should've just homeschooled him. I think that would've been better. What if he trips, and there's no one to help him." And there he began to ramble. " Британия, " Soviet called out, though to no avail. Britain just continued rambling, "Other kids can be absolute blokes. It's not like his teddy bear could do anything-"

"Британия, " 

"No, that's stupid, even for me. And you know how extremely dumb I could be. Oh lord, what if he-"

Британия !! " Soviet yells.

" What??!" Oh, now he finally listens.

"Calm down..." He puts a hand on his shoulder. "He'll be okay." 

They both gazed out the window and watched Bayani as he strolled along the pathway to the entrance of the main building of the campus. So far, so good.

Soviet starts to drive off upon seeing that Bayani has entered the premises. "See, he's going to be alright. Besides, while he's at school, we could have more time to ourselves. It's not 'till afternoon before we have to go out and pick him up from school. " 

Britain exhaled, trying to calm himself down. "Yeah... Yeah, I guess you're right."

Meanwhile, there was Bayani who was about to shat his pants upon just entering in. Everything was big and extravagant. It honestly looked more like a mansion than a school. There were a lot of other students and it was just exactly as his nightmare a few nights ago. He wiped the tears that he felt emerging from his sunflower yellow eyes as he grips tightly on the straps of his backpack. "For Albion," He whispered to himself as he strolled on. The first thing on the agenda was to find Mr Singapore. He volunteered to be the principal of World Academy. Not only that, he's also the one who gives some papers that the students need to have and inform them of the things they need to take note of. 

Bayani doesn't know where he's gonna go but he gotta find his office. Wherever the hell it is. As he explored around the large building, the next thing he knew is that he's knocked to the ground. " E-Es tut mir leid! " A voice emerges. It seems that someone just ran into him. Another kid who looked to be around his age. Obviously, he was German. The German child panicked as his glasses have slipped off when he ran into Bayani, as well as some... No, all of his books. He's got a truckload of books. A lot of them aren't even needed for the classes. Why does he even bring these to school?

" Es tut mir leid! " The panicky German kid repeats over and over again as he scrambles to find his glasses. Bayani gets to his bearings, not understanding a single thing whatever he's saying. But he wanted to be kind to him still. Even though the German's the one who's at fault, he obviously didn't mean it. And he's in dire help at the moment. Bayani then picks up his glasses and taps the kid's shoulder. "Here you go." He says as he gives him his glasses back.

The child takes it and wears it. He blinks for a moment before beginning to smile. "Ah, danke schön! " 

Bayani assumed that he's thanking him, so he answered: "You're welcome!" and continued to help him pick up his fallen books. The latter continued to thank Bayani over and over again for all the help. He seems to be a pretty nice guy. "No problem," Says Bayani. "Do you know how to speak English?"

The latter pauses for a moment before awkwardly chuckling. He gulped, "...A small bit." He answers coyly with a thick German accent. "What's your name, by the way?"

"My name's Bayani. You?"

" Ich bin Khloen. Nice to meet you, Bayani!"

Khloen. The rumoured illegitimate child of Germany's. Nobody really likes Khloen. He is always being overshadowed by his older step-brother EU anyway. Bayani has heard of Khloen before. America and the others would sometimes murmur about Germany's illegitimate son. What does illegitimate mean? Bayani doesn't know, so he doesn't care whatever that's supposed to mean. All he knows is that Khloen is actually really nice kid.

"It's nice to meet you too, Khloen! So uh, where you off to Khloen?"

" Mr Singapurr 's office. I-I'm a new student here and I need to get to his office to get some papers and stuff. But, I, uh... Got a bit lost."

"Really? Me too! Honestly, I don't know where to go either."

Khloen chuckles as he smiles a little. "Maybe we can find his office together?"

Bayani smiles back. "Yeah, let's go!"

New friend acquired.

[I just realized the past three chapters all start with a W lmao. That's unintentional, I swear]

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