C H A P T E R 18: Frame Of Mind

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[ Yes, this was based on that old and nostalgic song by Tristam & Braken. Go listen to it. It's great. Absolute banger.

WARNING: More Nazist crap. I don't mean to put it in a good light, but it's history so deal with it. At some point, there's gonna be a reference to someone IRL, and if you know 'Willy', then you'll understand the reference.

Also the world is very racist. May or may not be heavily inspired by more of my shitty childhood.

Suicide mentions too.

+ therapy with Uncle Sealand yay #SealandSupremacy ]

It was a calm and serene afternoon, close to becoming evening actually. Bayani sat at the edge of the concrete platform, his small legs dangling over his previous impending doom. One hand on his beret before it blows away because of the strong wind and the other hand wrapped around Mr Snugglemuffins who's sitting on his lap. It was as if the world stopped moving, and all that existed was he, the wind, and the waves of the vast ocean below him. It put him at ease, actually. He's been so used to everything being loud and the fast-paced nature of his older siblings and everyone who used to be around him. But now it's just tranquility.

Clink Clank

Of course... Not after that, it ain't tranquil.

Bayani flinched a little from being broken of his undisturbed moment. He jerked his head to the side for what bothered him was an ice-cold glass mug that bore some tropical juice of sorts. Ms CuddleCookies was the one who held the mug, but of course, there were extra fingers hidden in there. It was Sealand's. Of course, he was the one who was behind all of this. Bayani looked up at him, being faced with a ginger smile plastered on the man's face. "Care for some melon soda?" He asked, inching the glass mug closer again. Bayani began to smile a little as he nodded and took the mug. "Thanks, Uncle Sea." He said, before Sealand responded with a simple "No problem," and decided to sit beside his nephew. It was all silent again. Just the clinking from the glass. Sealand held his teddy bear close to his chest just as his nephew was doing with his. He exhaled before turning to him and asking, "So... Do you still want to go away forever ?"

Bayani didn't answer. He just continued sipping on the colourfully-striped twisty straw. And though he wasn't answering, Sealand knew he was thinking about it still. He couldn't help but feel pity on the boy. Not only because he's one of his favourite nephews, but because he sees himself a lot in him. History repeats itself. That is a hard fact that Sealand hates. Whether one likes it or not, Bayani was just a repeat of Sealand.

Sealand's birth was rather rough. He was born into the second world war. And while he was born rather late into it and gratefully missed half of it, he still lived through the war and was forced to fight in it at a very young age because of Father Britain. He didn't seem too fond of Sealand's birth either, nor was anyone. Sealand was the black sheep of the family too. He never knew his other father, but it was rumoured that it was Third Reich's stepbrother. Britain, let's say, had some suspiciously intimate connections with the fuhrer and his family and that had some less than pleasant consequences. America, Canada, Australia, and New Sealand didn't seem to like Sealand either. They pretended they do just for the sake to act kind, but they truly weren't. Sealand was abandoned at a young age on top of that and was ghosted by many. For being a micronation, he was deemed nonexistent. Many people ignored him, and despite him calling out everyone's attention, people - who are literally right in front of him - choose to blatantly ignore him and pass by him. Some even mock him and say "Do you hear that? Since when did the wind have a dumb accent?" and they laugh and leave. That is even why he can't grow out of World Academy. He has spent 15 years in World Academy, taking the school year, over and over again. He can't graduate because he's not allowed to. He's not a 'real country'. Therefore, he doesn't have the legal right to graduate. In fact, World Academy wouldn't even have accepted him if it weren't for Britain. The man decided to just try and tame Sealand and 'put him in a cage'. Sealand may not be the smartest, nor is he the dumbest. He can graduate and he is as real as one can be, but because of the dumb legality laws of society, he can't. He's already hated enough for being a rumoured 'one night stand' which is actually true, and having Nazi ties. It didn't help that while nobody wanted him, many Europeans disputed of his location. Many claim that his little 'island' is on French waters, therefore France has the right to colonize him, but then Norway claims it's his, then Denmark is the same, then-

He didn't belong anywhere. He was always thrown around like a toy... Not even Britain wanted to do anything with him. The only person who 'respects' him was Germany. Which was pitiful because if he didn't hold Germany's people hostage, Germany wouldn't have given a single fuck that he existed. To take hostage of people just to beg for acknowledgement of your very existence is rather depressing.

He hated himself and believed he wasn't worth of anyone or anything. It was until he met his three niece and nephews - Wy and Hutt River, Australia's children, and Molossia, another forgotten child of America. Of course, there was Ladonia, son of Sweden, Seaborga, son of Italy, and Kugelmugel, dau- son of Austria. All of them were abandoned and forgotten. They were all misfits and couldn't make it out of hell, which was World Academy - all for the same reasons of bullshit legality. They all stand together because they are all they have..... Things are becoming more worse and worse, especially since they have already one, and are about to lose another. NikoNiko, genderfluid son of Japan, committed suicide. He said that there wasn't a reason he existed. Everyone hated him and nobody acknowledged that he was alive. As devastating as it already is, Hutt River seems to be close to leaving the world too. Hutt River was slowly giving in, and while Wy is trying her hardest to motivate and comfort her older brother, Hutt River is only holding on because of his Uncle Sealand and little sister Wy. And again, here's Bayani. Another one.

Again, Sealand, a young man who can't even sustain himself even up until now, platonically adopts another one, and attempts his best to keep them all alive. The death of NikoNiko has never left him, and he will forever be traumatized by it. He doesn't want for it to happen again. And seeing how Bayani, an 8 year old, ran away from home and tried drowning himself, he must thrive to keep Bayani alive and as well as keep his morale up.

And at this moment that he's with him, and even asked if he was still going to kill himself or not, he thought of something to hopefully put Bayani in a new frame of mind. Something he should have done to himself years ago. Among the silence, he took in a deep breath and cuddled Ms CuddleCookies one last time before he threw her as far as he can, relinquishing the longtime stuffy friend into the ocean.

Bayani's eyes widened. "W-Why did you do that??!" He shrieked. Sealand had a rather relaxed expression, it's as if he just let himself finally rest. He exhaled before looking back at Bayani. "I didn't need her anymore. Nor did I need that stupid bloody old man." He answered. "I feel so free... Like, finally free." He chuckled, as he stood up and put his arms wide, feeling the wind pass by him. "I mean, who needs the world anyway, am I right?"

Bayani put down the half-empty half-full glass mug, looked at Mr Snugglemuffins and pulled out the Matryoshka doll from his pocket. He pondered on what Uncle Sealand said and with a deep inhale, he thought that it was time he stopped chasing after an ideal home. He did the same as his uncle did. He relinquished all from his past; the Matryoshka doll, Mr Snugglemuffins, his penguin backpack, and his beloved red scarf.

Soviet, Britain, America, and Philippines... Who needs them anyway?

He stood up and spread his little arms wide as well. He faced the coming sunset and chuckled as well. "Yeah, who needs the world!" He yelled.

"Who needs the world!!" Sealand yells out into the vast nothingness. Bayani did the same. The two just yelled out all their pains out of their bodies, shouting with all their might, even with the knowledge that nobody was there to listen to them. But that's the beauty of it, right? No one is there to judge you. You are free to be you. You are free to exist just as you are.

And slowly but surely, they then were able to slowly shift into a new frame of mind.

Who needs the world, anyway?

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