Chapter 6

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"I need to go grocery shopping, do you want to go?" Minnie asked as we made our way back to her house. "No thanks. I'd rather stay" I answer almost immediately.

She nods and turns down another road. I turned in my seat and saw the twins staring back at me. "How old are they?" I ask raising my eyebrows at them getting smiles.

"5 months" she answers proudly. Marie reached for me and I reach back giving her my hand. "Hello" I whsisper and she gurgles bringing her other hand to her mouth.

"Gwah!" She squeals and that sets Zackery off as he tries to reach for me as well. I move and give him my hand instead and he immediately smiles. "Ba! Ba! Ahhh!" Marie starts to yell kicking her legs.

Minnie looks back through the mirror and smiles. I lifted the arm rest and shifted so I could give them both a hand. I didn't care how sore it was going to make me.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" Zack yells and I waved back at him. "Hello" I smile. "Is that Dean? Is that your big brother!?" Those words made me cringe. I in no way was a big brother.

When we pulled into the driveway I grabbed my bag and waved to the babies getting giggles as I jumped out for the car. "See you in a bit!" She smiles and I nod closing the door. As soon as I do she's backing right back out.

I went into the house and hurried to my room putting my bag down. Immediately I felt weird. As if I'm in some strangers hosue. I don't want them to get rid of me though. Man this sucks.

I search for my ear buds and pull my beanie down over my ears. Let's go scope out some buiidngs. I didn't think twice and left the house. Walking down the sidewalk I hoped to find myself in the city.

With music blasting in both ears I eventually was able to follow the street signs that lead me into I assume down town. There weren't many tall buildings. That was one perk about being sent away to New York with some couple. The energy as I jumped from building to building.

I almost felt like the fear might come back. What would happen if I just jumped off. Would I get scared knowing that I was going to die? I wouldn't ever do it, but like what if?

I went up some old rusty fire escape and scoped out the view. It was still hot and when I checked my phone it was only 4. Which means it was about a forty minute walk here.

I stared at the next closest building and walked towards the edge. Lower so wonderful for jumping. I made sure there wasn't any machines our pipes I might land on. I didn't check where I was going once... a long time ago. Man did it hurt. 

I deemed the other side good enough as long as I'd stayed to the right side. I hadn't done this in almost two weeks... this is going to feel great.

I took a about ten steps back and just ran. My foot touching the ledge I jumped as hard as I could and when I made it to the other roof I rolled and popped back up onto my feet.

I felt the burn of the little pebbles and debris but besides that I would say a successful go. I smiled proud of myself plus the wind and everything made me so free.

I ran over to the little structure that jutted out of the roof and flipped off if it feeling amazing. Just wait I'll get so use to this town I won't even have to check for the things in my way.

I smiled thinking about it. Walking back over I looked up at the building since it was a taller and cringed. This is going to be a workout.

Without much though I jumped. Gripping the sides with my hands swinging myself up. I dusted off my hands and flipped backwards off of the ledge and back onto the shorter building.

Bending my knees on the landing to take in some of the bounce and momentum. "Wonder if I can connect that now?" I was trying to push myself. My ear buds and phone were laying on the first roof and I honestly wished I had some sort of music but I doubt anything would stay in. Maybe? I don't know.

Running over I jump and cling to the roof with my fingertips, I almost missed to be completely honest. Of course I just laughed because of that.

Giving myself a second to catch my breath. I ran it through my head. Jump, roll, run to structure, flip, jump up other roof, flip off. Or I could stay up there and check out the next roof. I'll fit that next.

Shoving my phone and earbuds into a pocket I set up and hopped for the best. Jump, roll, run, flip, jump, swing, flip, and done! I cheer to myself and take my beanie off running a hand through my sweaty hair. Wiping my forehead I just laugh. God I'm awesome.

Jumping up I got to the next roof and sit down enjoying the breeze as it comes through. I wonder what building I'm on now? I attempted to peak over the edge but I couldn't read the sign so I had no idea. Plus it would a nuisance if someone saw and called the police then I'd have to deal with that and it would be annoying.

Almost every cop I've dealt with think they're all big and bad and then they meet me. They expect me to fall to my knees trembling. Even if I'm nice to them they treat me like shit trying to scare me. Half the time I beg it will work but it doesn't and I just stare at them.

When I was 14 and first started to parkour I got contained but a police officer but I wouldn't give him any emotion or sign of fear and he pulled a gun to my head. I remember wishing that I could be scared. I just felt sad. Sad that I was going to die, but I wasn't scared.

That night I went back to the center with Morgan and stared at the wall for hours willing myself to be scared of anything. I'd even take one of those weird phobias where I'm like only scared of... hm... uh- pigeons! Man imagine me screaming and cowering at the sight or sound of a pigeon that would be so funny.

I took in a deep breath and laid down. My arms out as I stared into the bright sky. It didn't last long because I got fucking hot though. Like man was I sweating buckets. If only it would rain that would be nice.

Never parkour in the rain very dangerous. Learned from that mistake too. How am I not dead yet? I laugh at myself and put my belonging on the ground before just practicing a few tricks.

Getting the momentum I'm able to jump higher add turns and I smile landing proudly. Bend the knees when you land. No breaking legs this time. How do I still function properly. I'm like godly at this point.

Throwing myself back not even caring I lazily flipped landing wobbly. I just didn't care. I could have no momentum and just throw myself back. It was barely a flip and my head almost touched the ground but why would I care. I'm not scared. Why? Because I'm messed up. I'm so messed up.

"God" I groan and kick the nearest piece of equipment some big fan. Taking my phone and other shit I put it all in my pocket. Zip it up and quickly make my way back to the other side.

I realized after I could have just found a fire escape on the other buildings but I'm not the smartest some times. Scaling my way down I start the journey back to their house.

It took another forty minutes and I checked my phone seeing that it was 6 now and that's when I noticed all the texts and missed calls.

'Dean, where are you?'
'I'm fine with you going out but can you please tell us?'
'Dean at least answer, please!'
'We're worried!'
'I'm going to call the cops!'

And those were just the messages from Minnie. (13) missed calls. I open my phone to text her back. Then seeing Brendon's text as well.

'I'm okay, almost home'

I answer and immediately she's typing.

'Dean, are you okay?'

She asked which suprised me. No cussing yet?

'Mhmm, I can see the house'

I put my phone away and continue my walking. I watch the door open and Brendon comes out first. His face was full of worry. He looks everywhere before spotting me.

Turning to the house he cups his hands over his mouth.

"I see him!"

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