Chapter 56

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There's lots of moving so I quickly sit up ready for another beating. "It's okay- you're safe now" a man's voice whispers. I look around my eyes adjusting to my surroundings. We were still outside. "Lloyd" I look down to see they had been pulling him away from me.

"Save him" I cry looking around to see the many flashings lights. "We will do our best" he assures me as a blanket is put around me and many others rush over to help with stretchers and weird machines.

"He- he's in there!" I shout moving to get away from the house, ultimately failing as they tried to help. With the sudden new fear I couldn't feel anything else but fear. I was terrified of everything.

Soon after I said it they're dragging out a restless man. He thrashes and tries to fight off the police officers. I got dizzy again and just laid on the grass as people started to ask me questions- I couldn't answer.

"The one boy is on his way to the hospital in critical condition" I gasp at the words and attempt to force myself up again, but I collapse back onto the ground. "You'll be okay- just relax" the man looks me over.

"Do you want to be touched?" He asked and with lidded eyes I nodded. His hand hesitantly touched my shoulder and he rubs it trying to comfort me.

"They're bringing the stretcher over and then we'll take you to the hospital" he explains as I listened completely out of it. I was in so much pain.

I thought of Lloyd and squeezed my eyes shut beginning to cry again. "There you go cry it out" he whispers as I do just that. I don't want him to die. He can't. We were so close why didn't I try that sooner- I could have beat him.

Loud noises filled my ears the loudest one being the sudden sound of tires screeching. It was all followed by lots of yelling as people started to grab at me and try to pull me up. I'm placed on a stretcher and a mask is put over my face once again.

"Where's Dean! Where's our son!" I thought I heard Minnie and I tried to sit up and look for her. I was stuck to the surface I was on. We began to move and it was so bumpy. It hurts. The constant pain.

There's a sob and I strain my neck until I found the blonde. "Mom" I croak it out but I don't think she could hear with the mask on my face.

"1" "2" "3" I'm pulled up and into the ambulance losing sight of Minnie. The only actual comfort I had right now.

"Okay- take care of him" mom was talking to someone and I tried to lift my arm signaling for her to come with me. "Yes I'll meet you there with the twins" she continues and the vehicle shifts as people climb in.

To my surprise Brendon sits down next to me. "Hello" his voice wavers as he moves forward to grab my hand. Tears streamed down his face as I smiled at him. "Dad" I get his name out instead. He nods swallowing a cry as his thumb ran over my hand.

The doors are thrown shut and I jump my breathing suddenly getting heavier. "Dean. It's okay. It's just the doors. There's nobody and nothing that is going to hurt you. Nothing to be scared-" he cuts himself off and looks me in the eyes.

"Did you get scared?" He asked and I nodded my lips trembling. "Holy shit" he actually cursed before coming over to rub my hair. "I know it must be extra scary having all these feelings come back out of nowhere but you gotta fight through it. I'll be here the whole time. I'm not going to let anything happen to you" he tries to assure me as I listened and reached my hand out for him.

He takes my hand his other continuing to run over my forhead. "You've been so strong" he coos to me before leaning over to kiss the same spot. I smile and look over at him, to weak to talk but I think he understood the gestures made me happy.

The doors open again and I just focus on Dad. The man begins to talk and I try to listen but I was so tired. "Yeah the other boy isn't looking so hot. They've got him at the hospital now, but he's not breathing on his own- taking him to surgery" he keeps talking to somebody on the radio as my eyes widened and I start to squeeze Brendon's hand.

Breathing in heavily I let out an audible sob. "Won't you shut it- you're talking about my son's boyfriend!" Brendon shouts making the man give us an apologetic look before grabbing something and stepping out again.

Another guy returns a few minutes later and he starts to hook me up full of stuff as I try to ignore all the pokes and focus on my hand in Brendon's. He'll be okay.

The ambulance jolts and my eyes widened but Brendon continues to smile at me petting my hair. "Just sleep. It's going to be okay... when we get there you can see your siblings and mom. They're all so excited to see you" he explains and I listen to his words.

Letting my eyes flutter shut I hold his hand with both of mine. His fingers trailing over my shoulder and through my shaggy hair.

Next thing I know there's another big stop and I snap awake my hands squeezing what I was holding as I looked around frantically. "It is okay... we're here now" he explains and I relax onto the stretcher.

"Could we have you let go sir" the paramedic asked, and I desperately pleaded with my eyes he would stayed. "It's okay Dean I'll be right next to you" he tries to make me feel better as the doors open and he steps out.

They try to be gentle while getting me out but it hurt a lot with every step they took.  My head stayed on its side as it hurt to much to pick it up. Brendon made sure he was in my field of vision at all times.

We start to go through some doors and there were many doctors and nurses bustling around all giving me little looks as they ran past. "How is he!?" Minnie's voice rings in my ear and I try to look at her, yet I was still unable to move my head.

She was struggling to hold both twins making it so their heads couldn't turn and they wouldn't see the state I was in. Her eyes went back to me and she gave me a sweet smile.

I think she was just trying to be strong for me, but knowing how much she worried was what meant the world to me. Brendon went over to Minnie and began to tell her things as she nodded excitedly before suddenly gasping.

They continued to wheel me away and I open my mouth wanting to be with them but nothing comes out. "Sir we need you to stay back- we have to take him to get x-rays and he will most likely need to be taken into surgery" A nurse yells at Brendon making me mad.

I ball up my fist and cry wanting to tell him to shut up. Minnie runs to my side telling the man herself. She yells the two words and they continue to wheel me forward. He goes quiet scared of the small women as she
smiles at me. Brendon must have the twins now.

"You're so brave. I know it is scary, but you're going to be okay... we love you so much and we'll be close." She kisses my head before stepping away. My eyes stay on her as we go through a door and tears flood her eyes making me cry even harder.

"Your family sure does love you" a nurse chuckles and I give a weak smile closing my eyes as I grab at my ripped shirt. "Is that Dean Moyer?" A familiar voice asks and the nurses are quick to tell him. "He's my patient" the man continues before taking control.

"We thought you had Lloyd Tanner?" They try to understand making my eyes widen at the name. "For now I have both. These boys will not die on my watch. Mr. Tanner is resting because we need his body to be less frail before we can do any surgeries" he explains and I start to sob all over again.

"It's okay Dean... he's going to be okay and so are you" I look over to the voice and see Doctor Scout. He gives me the same confident smile he had the first time I was here.

I'm wheeled into a room where Cameron begins to bark orders. "I'm able to grab his jacket and he stops looking at me. "Fo- Lloyd. Care Lloyd" I choke out and he nods. "I'll focus on Lloyd but he just needs to rest for a few hours and build up some strength. We have machines and medicine helping ease the pain for him, so in that time I'll be helping you. Gotta make sure you're healthy enough to talk again when you see your boyfriend... not to mention those twins out there are begging to see you" he explains as I release his jacket and cry.

"It's going to be okay"

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