Chapter 7

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I'm pulled inside of the house and look between the two. "Oh god you scared me!" Minnie whisper-shouts. "I'm hugging you- Hugging you now!" She yells tears in her eyes.

"Did I upset you!? Were you running away!?" She starts to ask questions. "No I wasn't" I answer honestly. There was giggling and the twins were in their seats. Well Zackery was sitting up more. Marie quickly followed but couldn't stay up and fell back against the seat.

"Zackery... Marie. Let's go play in our rooms" their father coos going over to them. The two sit up and he chuckles picking them up. When he disappears Minnie stares up at me.

"How dare you just go out like that!?" She shouts and Brendon comes back out his smile gone. Great they already hate me. I really wanted them to like me. 

"Are you listening to me Dean! You can't do that!?" Brennon steps in crossing his arms. "Yeah I'm listening" I answer. "We almost called the police that would have caused such a huge scene!  I really thought you were either running away or being kidnapped!" He added.

"Where were you?" Minnie asked. They weren't exactly yelling but they were louder. "I went on a walk- down town" I tell them. "What!?" "Why!?" They both answer.

"I wanted to walk and enjoy the town" I lied because I knew they would yell more about the whole scaling building things. I didn't care honestly. I admit I liked them and it would be an inconvenience for me if I got kicked out this early.

"The files! Were you parkouring- that's what it's called right?" Minnie catches on to me real quick and turns to Brendon who nods. "That's not safe! Not safe at all! Oh my god Dean what if you would have gotten hurt!?" Minnie yells her husband rubbing her shoulder.

"It's fine you'll stop caring eventually" I mumble. "Don't you dare say that!" Brendon shakes a finger at me and I wish I would have reacted to it but I had nothing. "They all do" I shrug trying not to give them a smile. It was amusing to me in a way.

"Dean- we aren't giving up on you!" Minnie groans and I sigh. Look they're already irritated. "I'm pretty sure that's what the first, second, and third couple told me" I click my tongue.

"We aren't going to fail you Dean... you're our son now" Brendon hugs Minnie and I cringe at the word. I'll leave them once the year is over unless they get rid of me before that.

"I know you won't fail me. They never do. I'm the one that fails I know- it's my problem. I'm trying to fix it but I can't I'm messed up- a mistake. Hey I'm finally strong enough. I wonder if my birth parents will take me back!" I yell clearly being dramatic but I didn't quite care.

Couldn't be scared of the consequences so what does it matter anyways. "Hey, you aren't going to fail us-" I cut Minnie off and I kinda felt bad seeing the tears in her eyes. She was really trying.

"I probably already have" I give them a thumbs up. "You haven't done anything to fail us, yes we are a little disappointed because we know you're a smart kid but that wasn't a smart choice" Brendon contiunes.

"I'm sorry sometimes I just don't think- I never think I'm not scared to get in trouble so I just do it. I don't want to be this way!" I groan into my hands knowing I was the probelm. I am the problem. Once again I didn't even care though. Maybe I did. I don't know.

"Dean sweetie-" I cut her off once again. "I'm going to go to bed I'm tired" I look between the two. "Wait one moment" Brendon stops me and I turn to look at him. "I have two things" I nod once again waiting.

"One I apologize but we can't let you just disappear and come back without some sort of warning. I understand you are having a difficult time. So for now it is a warning but it will be an actual punishment next time. I'm more than willing to sit down and talk about what you think is reasonable" he was actually really calm about it and it was... well reasonable which surprised me.

"Okay, and the second thing" I ask just ready to leave. "Could you please go tell your siblings goodnight, they really like you and I think it might help you and them" he admits honestly.

"Yeah of course" I was so down to see those two cute babies. "Night" I give them a wave going for the hallway. "Goodnight Dean" "Goodnight" the both of them call after me.

I walk to the end of the hall and went into their room finding them both rolling around and playing with their hands. "Ah! Ah!" Zackery shouts while Marie goes to her butt and tries to reach me yelling "uh!" She falls onto her hands and I walk over to them sitting. Marie sits on my leg and giggles while I move Zack over and onto my other leg.

"Hi guys" I greet them putting a hand on each of their tummies to keep them up. "Aaaa!" "Ahhhh!" "Ehhh!" They went back and forth as I smile at them both.

"I'm going to bed now, so I came to tell you goodnight" I whisper and the two giggle and cuddle into me. I like them. They're so cute. Slowly sliding the two off they reach for me and whine but eventually realize I'm leaving and just stare at me.

Going back to the room I'm staying in I shut the door sliding against the wall. "Damn it why don't I think. I'm stupid! I'm so stupid!" I cry. I let the emotions come out because I just couldn't stop. It screws everything up for me! Everything. I hate this life!

I wipe my tears and move to change before getting into bed. I didn't stop crying as I turned to the wall. "You really don't think ahead do you?" I ask myself and of course I knew the answer. I fucking mess everything up. Wiping my eyes I try to get over my pitiful self.

"I want to be good. I want to make people proud. No I'm always going to be the fuck up that's the only thing I am good at it. I have been here what? A month and I've almost already had the cops called on me! Why didn't I think that through!?" I whisper-shout at myself pulling some of my hair which led right back to my rant.

I finally gave up and turned to plug my phone in. Playing some music quietly. I wasn't able to fall asleep without some sort of noise it was almost impossible for me. Yet the first song had hardly played and I was passed out.

When I woke up I rubbed at my crusty eyes and grabbed around for my phone. When I saw the time I groaned. 1 am. I better be able to fall back asleep. I stopped the music and looked up at the ceiling and cringed again.

I wonder what the twins are up to. Sitting up I leave my room with the blanket wrapped around my shoulders. Opening their door I closed it behind me the night lighting illuminating the room a bit.

"Abba?" One of them squeaks out and I look between both cribs to see Zack shifting to sit up. He leaned against the wall with droopy eyes and I smiled going over to him.

"Tired?" I ask and he giggles yawning.  I lifted him out of the crib making him rest his curly blonde head on my chest. I took the pillow off of the rocking chair and set it on the floor dropping my blanket.

"Eh! Eh! Baaaa!" He was pointing at his sister wanting her attention. There's a cry followed by a yawn. "Ohhh" she mumbles making me chuckle. "Wanna sleep with us?" I ask. She reaches for me with sad tired eyes.

I grab her with my other arm and squat to the floor before falling on my back. My head on the pillow I rest the two on my chest and pull the blanket up onto all of us.

"Night night" I whisper to the two. Zackery on one side was clinging to my shirt and Marie was already passed out hugging me in her sleep. I smile and rub their backs only stopping when I knew they were both sleeping.

I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep because of the no music but they calmed me and their little snores almost immediately knocked me out. I could fall asleep to this ever night. Once in a while I'd wake to one of them moving and stretching but they quickly settled right back in.

The best sleep I've ever gotten.

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