Chapter 29

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"Where are you taking me?" I ask as he gets in the driver's side. "And thanks for dealing with my broken ass" I laugh staring at the crutches in the back.

"I know you'd rather be somewhere with less people and you can't really walk much so I though it's warm enough for a little picnic type thing- my mom made a bunch of food and I attempted to help" he mumbles as I lay my arm against the arm rest propping my chin up on my hand.

"Aww- you're actually adorable" I groan staring at him as he smiled cutley. "Stop being cute or I'm just going to try and make out with you the whole time" I groan rubbing my eyes with my free hand.

"Feel free to do that when you want" he nods aggressively which makes me laugh. I actually started conversations with him on our ride there. When we pulled into a small parking lot only then did I stop.

I was so into him and it sucked. He's immediately jumping out and opening the back door to grab my crutches. "You're doing too much" I groan opening the front door.

He just smiles and hands me a crutch helping me out. When I'm stable he gives me my other crutch and I move out of the way. Lloyd grabs his blanket and a big beach bag like the ones moms always bring.

Mom van. Mom bag. I might as well start calling him mommy. I chuckle at myself as he closes the door. "You have everything?" He asked and I nod waiting to follow him. I struggle to follow until we stop under a tree. Setting the bag down he hurries to flatten the blanket and I drop a crutch slowly lowering myself with my other. Of course Lloyd hurries over to help me.

"Thanks lover boy" I chuckle grabbing his cheeks to kiss him. He smiles into the kiss before standing back up to bring the bag over. Sitting back down in front of me I watch him as he starts to unpack.

"Did you want anything to drink... I know you said you like Dr Pepper so I got a few but I also got some water and-" I cut him off putting my hand out.

"Don't stress out- Dr Pepper is fine" I smile getting a nervous chuckle from him as he hands me the bottle. "Are you hungry?" He continues with the questions as I try to think.

"Sure, are you?" I ask him getting a surprised look. "Oh- well yeah, I guess so" he admits. "Okay I've got some fruits, veggies, mom made blts- we can start with sandwiches if you want?" He was definitely freaking out.

It was so funny. He seems popular I assumed he's gone on hundreds of dates by now. He takes out a plate and grabs some weight thing his mom had gave him apparently to weigh the plates down. It was genius really.

I put a napkin under my plate and did the same to his scooting myself next to him so I was against his side. He smiles at me and I lean back getting another peck. "I'm assuming your parents know you're gay then?" I chuckle and he nods.

"Well they think I'm bi because my mom still wants grandchildren so she supports that I'm into boys but is hoping I'll marry a girl. I think she forgot adoption is a thing" we both laugh as my phone buzzes.

Lloyd starts to get the food and I check my phone making sure it wasn't Minnie or Brendon.

'I came and visited you in the hospital. They weren't going to let me in. Then your new mom opened the window for me'

I stare at the phone in disbelief. How did this person know about that. They are trying really hard to get on my nerves.

'Glad you're all better now. Watching you fall made me sad. Thought I lost my chance'

They continue and I shake my head so confused before answering.

'You watched me fall?'

'Who do you think called the police?'

I looked over at Lloyd who gave me a clueless look. "What? Everything okay?" He asked and I nodded shutting my phone off. That's weird. This person might be going a little too far. I might not get scared but I don't feel like dying or almost dying and going to the hospital again.

I still got plans to move into an apartment with a dog. I can't let my future dog down. Watch me not get a dog. I can see myself living with a hamster. "Dean?" Lloyd calls for me again.

"Hmm?" I ask looking up at him. "Are you okay?" Oh yeah I forgot to answer him earlier. "Oh- yeah sorry" I apologize not wanting to freak him out. He nods unsure and I just start eating successfully getting him off the topic.

"When do you get off crutches?" He asks as I take a drink of my pop. "About a month- I'm just using them until my legs heal more. So really whenever I feel like it. Cast comes off in 2 weeks, and my brace... the one on my ribs. That can stay on as long as I want- just to help my ribs go back to normal. So they don't crack and weaken" I explain his hand going to my side. His fingers trail lightly up my side and I smile wishing the brace was off so I could feel him better.

His lips were so close to mine as we just stared at each other. I was definitely feeling something different than what I usually did. I doubt it was love. It couldn't be. I don't think my body would let me process that... I mean maybe.

He kisses my cheek continuing to rub my side. My phone buzzes again and I groan going back to it as he takes another bite of his sandwich.

'Why aren't you home? Where are you?'

I roll my eyes at this. This person is actually crazy. Like it's annoying. Leave me the fuck alone.

'How do you know I'm not home?'

I ask watching my phone to see when they respond. They quickly respond and I curiously watch the three dots move as they type.

'I don't see you. I thought you might have been in your room but you haven't left in an hour so I assume you're not home'

Angry boiling inside of me as I stare at this text. Was this person wtaching our- I mean the house? Psycho.

"What's wrong?" Lloyd asked turning to face me completely. "Just some annoying person" I grumble texting back.

'You're weird. Just stop. Your little pranks are not funny. I would appreciate if you didn't joke about this and just leave me the fuck alone'

I send it a little to aggressive as Lloyd looks between me and the phone. "Block them?" He suggests and I smile kisisng him.

"I'm so stupid- you're a genius" I laugh quickly going to block the number not seeing what he had been typing out. It disappears and the contact had official been reported.

He smiles and takes my Dr Pepper. "Can I?" He asks making me roll my eyes. "I've sucked your dick, you can take a drink from the same bottle as me" I tell him getting a shrug and a laugh.

He takes a drink before closing and throwing it down. "You never know. Some people are weird about that" he explains as I finish up my sandwich.

He continues to eat his and I move to my stomach laying over his lap. Finding joy when it doesn't hurt me.

"Why do you like me?" I ask wanting to talk to him and I was genuinely curious, but I really did love his voice. It was so incredibly hot to me, but soothing.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I played with the blanket finding something to do. "I don't know, but I tend to forget about personal boundaries and just do things... without fear. So I don't really think things through. Most people find that annoying- why are you still into me?" I try to ask without seeming weird.

I was just really fucking curious. "Mmm I don't know. I think I just found it more interesting. I'm also the type of person who loves when someone is clingy or not exactly clingy but like always on me. I love physical touch and it comforts me." he answers as I smile down at the blanket.

"I really got to get better at thinking things through before just throwing myself onto people- shit sorry" I grumble attempting to get up.

His hand goes to my back holding me down. "I want you- so forget about boundaries with me for now" he chuckles as I attempt to look at him.

Giving up I just lay down with a smile as his hand goes up my shirt rubbing over any bare skin he can find.

Do I love him? Is this what love is?

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