Chapter 33

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"How's it feel going a whole day without crutches" He asked and I look up from the bleachers amused. "Did I stay an hour after school and watch you run just for you to ask me how my legs feel?" I ask with a huff and he shakes his head taking a drink of water.

"No- I just wanted to start conversation" he puts his hands up in self defense and I laugh moving some hair out of his face. "It's feels nice- my legs are exhausted if that makes sense... like they're sore" I explain and he nods sitting next to me.

"Are you really against going to a dance?" He blurts out as I look up to think. "No... I just feel like I wouldn't have fun" I admit and he nods. "Oh." That's all he says going silent again.

We sat silently as his teammates packed up and left using ther spare free time wisely. "Hey guys" Leo calls out and I look over to find him and Ivana. Her arm was wrapped around his waist and I smirk as they started over here.

"Are you guys finally together?" I tease watching Leo go flustered. "Were we that obvious" he mumbles resting his head on hers. "To me at least yes" I answer and Ivana chuckles to herself.

"Are you guys together yet?" She asked looking at us. "Nope" I answer quickly making him pout. With a smile I kiss his cheek. "I'm sure we'll get together soon, just depends on if lover boy can stand me or not" I add making his face light up as he nods vigorously. "I can!" He assures me.

"Dean can I talk to you?" Ivana asked eyeing me. "Yeah" I answer simply. I mess with Lloyd's hair standing. "Be right back baby" Ivana coos to her boyfriend giving him a kiss. He nods his answer. All while being a flustered mess before finally sitting next to Lloyd who nudges him with his elbow.

I follow Ivana down the steps and we walk behind the bleachers. "What's up?" I ask. "You're not using Lloyd right?" She sighed and I shook my head.

"Ivana I want to be your friend you seem to be a blunt kind of honest person- yeah fuck it. Are you good at keeping secrets?" I just flat out spill really too tell her everything.

"Uh... that doesn't answer my question, but yes?" She mumbles and I nod. "I have a condition. I was beaten as a child to not be afraid of anything and be a man. Even though my mother wanted a girl. So my brain did just that. I have no fear I'm not scared of anything. This also triggers other emotions to become worse like my anger or sadness or sometimes they flat out snap and I just shut down" I stop letting her process what I had said.

"Nobody here knows except you- I'm not ready to tell Lloyd. I don't know what love really is but, I think I do love him. He makes me happy" I continue and she nods her eyes wide and teary.

"I'm sorry- I was so worried for my friends I understand why you wouldn't tell us now... I'm such a bad person" she groans into her hands. "It's all good- I just feel like we would get along well so I want you to understand that I never meant to hurt Jules- I'm not trying to hurt Lloyd. I want to be with him. So let's be friends and let's keep this a secret please" I explain as she nods. "So no more punching me?" I joke getting a timid and apologetic face.

"Yeah- I'm sorry about that" she plays with her hair as I shrug again. "All good. Now I'll let you get back to your boyfriend and I'm going to go try and get Lloyd to spit out whatever he has got to tell me" I joke making her nod again.

"Wait- so... you're serious right? Like you can't feel any fear?" She asked and I nodded. "yeah imagine falling to your death and the only thing you can think of is how sad you are that you can't fear enough to care" I sigh. Surprisingly her arms are thrown around me into a hug.

"I don't even know what to say besides I'm sorry- which isn't even enough" she explains moving away only to frantically throw her hands in front of her as her face scrunched up into one of panic and disbelief.

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