Chapter 61

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"We'll be back in a hour" my mother smiles as I get a side hug from dad. "See you guys" I wave getting waves from the toddlers. My smiley therapist stood in the doorway opening it for me.

"You seem extra happy today" I laugh and he nods closing the door behind us. "We've got a surprise. It won't exactly be like our normal session, but we assumed you'd be okay with it" Dylan explains as I eye him suspiciously.

"We?" I mumble and he nods. "Your second family also cares about you" he chuckles opening up one of his office doors for me. "Do your other workers know?" I ask knowing he might get in trouble.

"Shhhh" he just laughs barely opening the door and pulling me in. "Dean!" Prim yells as Ellis silently runs over here, both hugging me. "There's my favorite patient" Cameron laughs making me roll my eyes as he comes over to give me a one armed hug.

"Our first lunch outside of the hospital you excited?" Anton adds and I smile noticing the table that had been sat up. "Dean! How ya feeling!?" Luis asked looking me over.

"I'm good now. Thank you" I nod at him getting hit on the leg. I look down to see a fussy Primrose. "Hold! Hold me please" she smiles her face stern.

I nod and bend down pulling her up and  onto my hip. "Thank you" she smiles laying her head on my shoulder. Luis starts to pull food out of bags as Dylan pulls me over.

"I don't expect your parents to pay for this session" he assures me as I nod. "They'll appreciate it- even though you've already given me a discount" I laugh and he chuckles putting a caring hand on his stomach. I follow his hand and he quickly takes it off.

"We got Chinese food because Dylan was craving it- hope that's okay?" Anton asked and I nodded before looking over at the blonde with a smirk. "I know I'm not the therapist, but some things seem to be clicking together in my head... am I right?" I ask motioning to the child in my arms.

"They don't know" he sighs and I nod putting a finger to my lips. "It's not important now, but I really came over here to tell you that I'm willing to kick them out if you want to get straight to talking." He stops to let me process what he had said before continuing.

From what I've learned with my time with you I've found that you don't do well jumping right into things. So I wanted to have a good time before started to actually get into our sessions" he explains and I nodded getting it completely.

I was also now very excited knowing that he was  pregnant. I completely forgot he was trans. Minnie and Brendon should have another baby. "I appreciate it. Thank you" I smile readjusting the child.

"When do you plan on telling them?" I ask looking at his clueless husbands. Prim was in her own little world starting to play with my hair. "I don't. I told them about Ellis because we were trying so hard, but for Prim I let them figure out on their own it's amusing" he chuckles making me laugh.

"Do you want down now?" I ask the girl who was looking at her brother. "Mhmm" she giggles and I nod setting her down. Moving to the table I bite my cheek when I see Luis staring harshly at the food before looking up at Dylan. He was thinking to himself and Anton was getting the kids set up in their spots. Cameron was on a call probably for work.

I sat down next to Anton and Ellis's eyes went wide. "Daddy can I move?" He whispers pulling at Anton's arm. "Do you want to sit by Dean?" He chuckles and Ellis shyly nods scared of rejection.

Anton stands and the two switch spots. Prim had her arms and chin resting on the table ready to start eating. Luis finally gave up on his theory and sat down next to Prim kissing her head.

Cameron set next to him and to complete the circle Dylan sat next him also seated next to Anton. Anton started to pull out food as Luis handed us all plates. I'd never been so nervous about getting food. Usually I've just grabbed food no fear in the world- now I felt insecure?

I decide to people watch for a second and held in my laugh as Luis eyes Dylan watching what food he gabbed first. Dylan pursed his lips before reaching forward. I waited to see what he scooped out. Pineapple chicken?

Luis's eyes widen and then he smiles before quickly getting on his phone. "You okay baby?" Cameron asked leaning over to Luis. "Yup!" He smiles happily. "Well I hope you plan on sharing the good news?" Anton chuckled.

"Later- eat your food!" He grumbles before typing quickly into his phone. When he puts his phone down he immediately goes back to staring at Dylan. "Need help?" I ask Ellis and he nods.

"Did you want the beef and broccoli?" I ask noticing it was the one he was eyeing. "Yes please" the little boy giggles. "Tell me when to stop" I start to put some on his plate until he laughs and waved his hands around telling me to stop.

When he starts to eat I go back to watch Luis desperately trying to get Dylan's attention. When he finally does he motions to his phone. Dylan gives him a confused look, but picks up his phone. He suddenly smiles and looks at Luis before typing something quick back. When he's done he looks at me and sends something else as Luis frantically goes to his phone.

He was practically bouncing before stopping to type something else. Dylan holds in a laugh but nods. Standing Luis comes over to me to show his phone.

'Are you pregnant!?'

'Yes, only took you two months'

'Am I the first one to know?! Did I win!!!'

'Dean found out first actually, but yes first out of our husbands'

I laugh and he nods all giddy like. "Guys why are you being so secretive!" Cameron whines making those of us that knew laugh. Anton looked up from talking to Ellis now confused.

"Wait what's going on?" He asked just now joining the loop. "Nothing!" Luis shouts wanting this secret to be only his for a little while longer. It was going to be hard seeing how happily he stared at Dylan.

"How's Lloyd?" Dylan changed the subject looking at me. "He's good! He's going through speech therapy. Which he's speeding through. He's gotten a lot better! We're on our last weeks of school and he's been attending again... he has gotten a lot stronger" I tell them honestly excited to talk about Lloyd. He just made me so fucking happy.

"That's good that he's still thriving, now how are you feeling?" He continued the other men stopping to here my answer. "I... Well I'm good. I think I am. My wrist is all good now and my legs are a little weak but the doctors said that it's from malnutrition, so it's slowly getting better" I explain, Dylan happy that I was sharing.

"We're proud of you" Anton reached over his blonde child to grab my shoulder. "Thank you" I smile and he nods again. They start up some more conversations and I listen intently until Luis grabs my other shoulder.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and I snapped out of my zoned out state nodding. "Well what do you want- I can help" I felt foolish.

I'm going to be 18 soon. I'm going to be an adult now. I've just never done this before. Being scared of what I should and shouldn't do.

"I'm okay- could you just pass me something and I'll eat it" I admit and he nods. "Sweet? Spicy? Savory?" He asked waiting for my response. I chuckle but try to think. "Spicy? But only a little. Might as well try it" I chuckle and he nods recahing forward for something.

Handing it to me I spill some onto my plate and quickly try the meat. It was spicy that was for sure, but I could stand it. Ellis and Prim had finished their food and Luis helped them wash their hands and was cleaning Prim's face. Cameron had went over to Anton and was massaging his shoulders as they whispered to each other probably trying to guess the secret.

I smiled watching Anton close his eyes and hum as Cameron kneaded into his skin. I wonder if Lloyd would want a massage from me? Would it relax him? Is that weird. Somebody sits next to me and I quickly turn around to see him.

"I asked you how you are? How are you mentally?" Dylan pries into the question more and I bite my lip unsure. Taking a deep breath I didn't hold back.

"I don't know... I'm so scared so easily. My phone when it buzzes in my pocket I panic. I'm scared to check it, so I always make someone else do it for me. It's annoying" I admit getting an understanding look.

"As long as you want my help I'll help. We can get over anything"

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