Chapter 54

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"Wake up- Darcy!" A loud voice yells. I sit up my head throbbing. The sudden pain makes me cry out because of this I'm grabbed and received a scoff. "You are nowhere near tough enough" the man grumbles pulling me out of the small car.

I fight back but ultimately gave up when he mentioned Lloyd. At this point I was helping, hoping we would get to him faster. My head pounding I reached a hand up to touch my now sensitive forehead. Flinching at the pressure I sigh, quickly getting my hand snatched so he could easily drag me into the broken down house.

He cursed pushing me down before hurrying to lock the door with a key. "Lloyd! Lloyd!" I stand shouting for my boyfriend. There's a noise and I immediately try to follow it getting hit down.

Groaning in pain he starts to drag me again yelling at me till I stand and hobble my way along with him. He opens another door leading to a set of stairs. I try to get out of his grip but he holds me tight. Closing the door he takes another key and locks it.

I curse needing to get those keys from him. It was the only way we would get out. With those keys. I should have paid attention to where he put them.

As soon as I'm at the bottom step I look around the old dusty room to see a bloody and beaten Lloyd tied to a chair. I choked out a cry at his state getting hit. "Don't be weak" he warns me and I shove him off of me.

"Shut the fuck up" I snap hurrying over to Lloyd. He looks up weakly his face swollen as I clawed at the ropes on his hands. I'm taken from him, grabbed by the shirt and thrown to the floor.

"Haven't even been here a minute and you're already disobeying me!" He groans unsatisfied as I stand. "You said you'd let him go" I was hoping to get him out of this or something but raise my fists ready to protect my lover.

"You're hoping for something that won't happen" he laughs as if he could read my mind. "Darcy- my son. He will suffer and rot here till the day he dies" the man I refuse to call dad laughs.

Ignoring the pain I felt I swing connecting with his nose. He curses and throws me into the wall as I gasp for air. "Dean!" Lloyd shouts my name the chair scraping and moving as he tried to get out of it.

I gasp for air but sit up. "I'm fine" I say through my teeth watching as the man got closer to me. "You can take a punch- that is for sure. That punch you threw was pathetic though" he compliments me onto to insult me after.

"I'm sorry I didn't spend years abusing children and people in prison" I scoff making him stomp over to me. "You will learn to watch that mouth of yours" he grunts grabbing my face.

I quickly rip his hands off making him look me up and down. "Do you want me to be strong or to obey you- you're not going to get both" I spit on him getting a smack to the face.

"You will do both. Just like you use to. Never speaking till you're told. You'll call me sir just like old times" he laughs sadistically thinking of the past.

"Never again" I rub my sore jaw getting my shirt ripped as I'm pull into him. "You will" he mutters making me smile. I was getting under his skin. "Go. Fuck. Yourself." I chuckle getting a slap on the face. Pathetic.

"Fine then" he continues to smile releasing my shirt. I watch curiously, wondering why he has calmed down so suddenly. Struggling to stand tall I watch as he makes his way over to Lloyd, who stares at him with a hateful glare.

He stops behind Lloyd and yanks his head back by the hair revealing his neck. I watch not sure what to do. His hand goes around Lloyd's neck who quietly takes it.

I listen to his breathing start to get heavier and quickly limp over trying to pull him off. "Don't!" I shout hoping I can save Lloyd from some pain. "Don't what?" He laughs enjoying what was going on.

I look between the two and grab his arms. "Please sir. Please. Let him go" I beg and the man releases Lloyd who leans forward gasping for air.

The man wipes his hand and claps. "Good job son- you're learning already" he smiles and I glare at him staying still. He goes back over to Lloyd tipping his head up. His brown hair had fallen over his face and he looked like he could kill.

"You fucking asshole. Don't you dare touch him" Lloyd grits his teeth trying to get out and get him. "Oh so now that he is here you want to start fighting back again?" Kaleb asks with a sinister smile as I sat down unable to stand anymore.

Lloyd stays silent getting his face smushed between the man's hands. "I'll have dinner in a few hours" he sighs getting no response for us. Turning away he hurries up the stairs. As soon as the door closes and I hear the lock I leap over to pull the tightened ropes off of Lloyd.

When I finally get him free he pulls his arms up and rubs his wrists. I hobble in front of him, but quickly sink back down again putting my hands on his cheeks as I look him over.

"Lloyd" I whisper his name just wishing he wasn't here. "Why did you do that!? Why did you let him have you!" He spits out. I ignore his anger and just hug him. I cried so happy to see him. Seeing him alive.

"I love you" I whisper keeping him close. He shakes his head and cries into my neck. "I love you too" he says it back in between his cries. I rubbed his back and messed with his hair trying to bring him any sort of comfort.

"How long had you been tied to the chair?" I ask looking back at it. "I don't even know how long I've been here. He ties me up when I fight back and he tied me up when he went to get you. He lets me out to go to the bathroom which is the most humane thing ever for him. Found out he's some sort of weird germaphobe. Don't try to run though. " Lloyd tries to explain through cries as I grip him tightly.

Eventually I had to let go and push him away. I ripped part of my shirt getting snapped at by Lloyd but I ignored him. "Stay still" I whisper, slowly and carefully cleaning up blood and cuts.

"Dean- it's okay don't worry about it" he sighs a hand holding onto me at all times. "Shut up and let me help... I'm going to get you out of here" I whisper cleaning him off some more.

"It's not going to happen- trust me I've been trying. Don't worry about me. If he tells you to do something you say no. I'll take it" he assures me and I quickly shake my head setting the fabric on the chair to use later.

"No. I'll do what he wants I won't let you suffer any longer" I mumble looking him over again. "Have you been fed enough- getting enough sleep?" I move onto the next questions as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"It's not a lot of food, but it is enough. I'll give you some of mine- don't worry" he coos making me scoff. "You will do nothing of the sort" I shout getting hugged tightly.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked and I shook my head hugging him back. "We're all so depressed I was forcing people to eat. Your mother has been stopping every black truck in search of Kaleb, but turns out he's driving a small red car now" I sigh watching him zone out again.

"Where have you been sleeping?" I get his attention again looking around the cold empty room. Lloyd starts to moves and points to the corner. "I've been using my sweatshirt as a pillow" he explains as I rub his shoulder.

"Well now you can use me" I joke in this depressing area hopping to make him feel better. "No you'll lay on me. I won't let you suffer anymore because of him... it's his fault that you suffer at school and with others" he explains looking to the ground.

I just shake my head, continuing to cuddle close to him. Gently I kissed his bruised lips and he smiles a sad smile. "I missed you- I miss you all" he sighs as I pull his head back to my chest continuing to stroke his cheeks and hair.

"I won't leave you- I'll keep us together. No matter what. I'll fight for us both" I was trying to be positive, mostly for him. I just wanted him to be okay.

"Dean... how long have I been missing?"

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