Chapter 60

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We all stood in the hallway waiting. I have been going to school for a week now. Luckily I was exempt from a lot of shit since they didn't want to hold me back. Same with Lloyd.

He was coming today. He was going to be here. We could all see him again! I held Taylor and Ivana's hand while Jules and Leo were hugging each other both very excited.

I was exhausted and my legs hurts from standing but I wasn't going to let it stop me. People were hurrying to class while we just stared harshly at the doors. A random kid would walk in and panic when they made eye contact hurrying by.

Finally the door opens and in comes the brown haired beauty. His long hair had been cut a little shorter after it had grown out to his shoulder.  It now just barely went past his ears. He looked exhausted. Still his green eyes lit up when he saw us.

A faint pink scar was displayed coming up from his jaw to his cheek. He told me the doctors said it would go away in a year if he kept up with the ointment.

"Lloyd!" Jules cries. This led to us all running- well I walked towards him. I speed walked as fast as my body would let me until I could join the others, attacking him with hugs.

"I'm so glad to see you walking around!" "I'm so happy you're back in school!" "We missed you!" "We love you!" "You're so brave and we're so proud of you!" We were all screaming encouraging words.

"H-hi guys. I missed you guys too" my smile falters at the stutter. He's doing better so much better. I still blame myself though. I made the poor guy have to basically relearn how to walk and speak.

He was so confident and now he seems so timid. While he was still being crushed in hugs I look at him worried. "Does it hurt to stand? Or walk? Do you need to sit down!" I ask wanting to make sure I could make life somewhat easier for him. He shook his head in response.

"Guys" Leo says it loud enough to get all of our attention. "Let's leave" he laughs looking between the group. We stay silent waiting for him to continue. "Let's just leave school. Let's go to the soccer field! Or go past it! If we walk far enough there's a park!" He continues and they all nod excited.

"We deserve to have a day together! We haven't actually been together for to long!" Jules shouts. "Can we not walk- I'm in pain" I raise my hand to get their attention and I get sad chuckles. "I'll drive Dean and Lloyd- well I might as well drive us all so we get there at the same time" Jules thinks it through and we all nod.

The bell rings and we all visibly tense up. "Let's go before they don't let us out!" Taylor giggles. All of them started to run straight out of the school. I walk, Lloyd next to me with a smile. Hesitantly I grab his arm and hold it tightly. "So cuddly. I love it. S-so much" he smiles but it stops when he stutters.

"You're doing so much better" I try to encourage him, opening the door. "The more I talk the- better it gets but then I stutter- and it's embarrassing " he carefully gets through a sentence.

"It feels great to be all together again!" Jules shouts twirling herself before leading us to her car. She opens up the side door and I carefully get in first after being told to by Ivana. "Okay Leo help Lloyd in" I wait in the doorway and both us boys help Lloyd up. I help my boyfriend sit down in a seat and I sit on the ground in front of him behind the drivers seat.

He reached forward with a smile and plays with my hair as I reach up and grab his leg. I smile at this hopelessly in love before resting my head on his legs. Ivana and Leo sit next to us and Taylor gets in the front with Jules who was driving.

She didn't waste any time to drive us out of the school parking lot. The music was blasting and I closed my eyes just wanting to listen and be in the moment.

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