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ash's pov

right as i was about to fall asleep, my eyelids already feeling pretty heavy and my mind drifting off to another world my phone rung, which made me sit up in my bed, straight like a candle. 
who the hell was calling me at 3 in the morning?

i grab my phone, hit the green button without looking at the screen cause it was way too bright and speak a "hello?, probably sounding a little tipsy and confused, considering i was almost asleep just a second ago.

"uhh hi ash! this is karl! can i call you ash? i'm sorry, did i wake you up? i didn't mean to-" he stumbled til my giggle made him stop to finally breathe.
"hey karl, i was actually just about to fall asleep but it's fine and yes, you can call me ash! why'd you call?"
"oh damn your voice is cute-", he cut himself off. "i kinda really expected a dude around forty!"

"oh, uh, thanks!", i smile, blushing a little. "i like yours too actually. higher than expected but it's soft and gentle." 
my words made him stutter slightly as he said thank you back, causing me to giggle again.

"so, what's up?"
"uh nothing to be honest, i was just bored and couldn't sleep, my friends i was in a call with all went to bed a few minutes ago", he mourned.

i laugh. "alright, tell me something about yourself then, please"

"oh boy, what do you wanna know?"

and so we talked for hours, telling each other basically everything. it started with random facts, such as hobbies and family kinda stuff but went to habits and funny stories pretty quickly.
it totally didn't feel like we've only known each other for less than a day.

"what else do you enjoy doing in your free time?"
i turn around, laying on my belly now. my beck hurt a little.
"uhm, have you heard of twitch? it's one of my favorite sites actually."

"uh yeah i think so, my little sister watches twitch sometimes, some youtubers she likes i guees, i don't  know, i've never really been on it."

he took a breath that sounded relieving.

"what about youtube? what do you watch?", he continues.
"i use it for music, spotify is trash. it's so unfriendly designed for users idk, i don't like it. oh, i also used to watch some stuff for school there but other than that i only use twitter and discord as like socials. what about you karl?"

"i have every social media there is basically!", he laughed. "you have discord? oh my god that's so cool! do you game?"

"i love tetris and sudoku, also minesweeper sometimes, when i'm listening to a podcast! used to play doodle jump all the time as a kid, does that count?", i laugh with him.

"i think it does, that sounds cool."

"what games do you play?", i calm down again, followed by his kind of nervous response.
"oh i actually love minecraft and stuff like that, no big deal. anyways, what podcasts do you listen to?"


i woke up to the sound of an incoming discord call, confused as of why the ringing sounded kind of distant.
i sat straight up, looking around.
my clock told me that it was 4 in the afternoon, which didn't make me feel better at all.
i've basically slept through the whole day.

"ugh", the ringing stopped. "what do you want sapnap, i've been sleeping!", i heard karl all of a sudden.
i looked around with a confused face, seeing my phone on my pillow.
we fell asleep on call last night and now we both got woken up by a, i assume, friend of his called sapnap, that he's speaking to.

i can't hear the other guy so he's most likely talking to him on his pc.

i didn't wanna listen to any kind of his private stuff, that's non of my business, i didn't really care and i'd feel really bad after anyway.
he didn't seem to notice he was still in a call with me so i hung up quickly before i could hear anything else, stretching myself before standing up. i hate mornings. or afternoons as you'd say.


hey uhm

we fell asleep on call

i got woken up from that sagnap dude that
called you so i just hung up, thought i'd let
you know

oh thanks for telling me, i really appreciate that!

i just saw it the "call endet: 14:27 hours" notification

i really enjoyed talking to you by the way

same goes the other way around north
carolina man

i'm going to make myself some ceral now

did you know that the first cereal grains were domesticated by early primitive humans
about 8,000 years ago?

50 percent of americans start their
days with cereal actually

could've sworn it was less, i eat that
shit like twice a year

it says that americans consume over 100 pounds
or 160 bowls of cereal per person a year

i didn't know, thanks for sharing

anytime dude

the cereal industry uses 816 million
pounds of sugar per year

that's probably more than north carolina
uses in a decade

oh my god

i'm never eating cereal again what the fvck

that's like ten times sweeter than candy

ten times sweeter than cake



is that line familiar to you




you're a weirdo

i like it

wrong number ' karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now