Chapter 8

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                                 Onyx's POV
How could anyone bash her?

"Is that one of the reasons why you moved?"

"All I know is my parents wanted to be close to our family. If you don't mind me asking. What happened yesterday?"

Am I really about to say it?

"My mom and her toxic ass boyfriend were fighting. Shit was getting thrown. My brother got cut a bit. He's fine. He didn't need stitches or anything."

"How old's your brother?"

"11. His name's "Alexander.""

"Are you the oldest?"

"No. I'm the middle kid. It's my sister Tyla, me, then Alex. My sister is 24. She apparently has a boyfriend."

We ended up having dinner at Primrose's house. As we were walking out the front door I heard Elise behind me.

"Prim's birthday party is tomorrow. She's never had a friend over for it. I'm sure she'd appreciate it if you showed up."

"Did she ask you to ask me this?"

She shook her head.

"She doesn't even know I'm asking. I-if you can't make it then, it's okay. You don't even have to bring a gift."

"I'll see what I can do."

In the car Marionette kept begging me to let her play with Elise again.

"I have to see if we're doing anything tomorrow."

Maybe we should go.

I should talk to Ty about this.

When we got back to my sister's, I had Marionette go get ready for bed. Then I went to talk Tyla. I found her in the dining room eating. I sat down in front of her.

"I need help."


"So there's this girl..."

"Damn. You're thinking about a girl?"

"Yeah. She's new. She's from Boston. I met her at school but I was ya know..."

"Being you?"

"Yeah..her sister is MJ's friend. Her name is "Primrose.""

"Oh! So she's the girl who you saw at the park?"

"Yeah. Her sister mentioned that tomorrow's Primrose's birthday. Elise invited me. She told me that she's never had a friend at her birthday party before. I'm thinking about going."

"Are you asking me what I think you should go?"


"Do you have feelings for her?"

"I'm honestly unsure. If I do end up getting feelings, I don't think any to rush into things like I did with Amy."

"Oh so NOW you're gonna listen to my advice?"

"Alright I mean this in a loving way but, fuck you."

"Right back at you. How does MJ feel about her?"

"She seems to like her. Her and Elise are like best friends and it's only been two days. Don't get me wrong. I want Mari to have friends. I-I just don't wanna get stabbed again."

"Yeah. I know. None of us want that. Be careful at first. If you feel like you can trust her then, let her in more."

"I dunno why but I found myself saying what happened last night and what Amy did."

"Maybe you just wanted to confide in someone."

"Oh and here's the other thing. MJ and Elise yelled at me to just kiss her. I-I actually thought about it too. She's the nice girl. She doesn't have friends. She actually told me that it was okay to talk shit about her. She asked if I wanted her to help raise Mari."

"Oh? How'd you react?"

"I'm pretty sure I agreed."

I put my head on the table.

What the bloody hell am I getting myself into?

"What do you think you want to do?"

"I'm thinking about giving her a chance. It's the least I can do since I was so rude to her."

"If that's what you want to do then, give her a chance."

"What if I get attached?"

"I don't know."

"I didn't even ask what time the party starts."

"Maybe show up at like 1 or 2."

"I should get a card or something right?"

"That'd be nice."

"Thank you. How's Zander?"

"Fine. He's up in his room. You can go check on him if you want."

"Yeah I think I'm gonna."

I stood up and walked to my brother's room. I knocked on the door. He opened it and I saw he was half asleep.

"Hi." He said as he yawned.

"Hey. How's your arm doing?"

He lifted up his arm and I was able to see the cut on his arm.

"It's fine. I had two pieces of glass in it. Didn't need surgery so that was good. Can I go back to sleep?"

"Oh shit. Sorry. I'll see you tomorrow then. Night."


He shut his door and I walked to Marionette's room. I opened it and saw she was sitting on her bed playing with her dolls. I also saw she was ready for bed. I tucked her in then went to my room. I took off my clothes then threw them in my hamper. I took a quick shower then got dressed. I laid down and my mind wouldn't shut up.

Is she a witch that put a spell on me?

I don't remember the last time I've had a girl on my mind.

Why do I have the feeling I'm supposed to be with her?

Marionette seems to trust her.

That means I should too right?

I want a mother figure in MJ's life.

But at the same time I don't.

I don't want her to get attached then something happens.

She doesn't deserve that.

I need to be in a stable relationship for the both of us.

After about an hour of me stuck in my head, I was able to sleep.

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