Chapter 64

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Onyx's POV
I woke up when I heard people talking. I walked downstairs. I saw Alister and Primrose talking.

"Wow. There's no yelling and or blood. What's wrong with you two?"

"Listen man. I'm sorry."

"Oh no! Daddy the meanie is here!"

I turned around. I saw Marionette with tears in her eyes. I crouched down. She ran over to me. I wrapped my arms around her.

"He's going to be mean again!"

"It's okay. It's okay. Rose why is he sitting on our couch?"

"He claims he feels bad."

"Oh? So lemme guess. You're here to apologize, yeah?"


I picked Marionette up while I stood up.

"Daddy? Can he go bye bye?"

"I think, I can make that happen."

"Woah! I literally just got here! You can't have a damn child kick me out!"

"You obviously weren't warned about, how things work in this house. What she wants, she gets."

"Most of the time she does at least. It's rare she doesn't."

"Sooo let me get this're letting your child, run your lives?"

"Not necessarily."

"You don't understand since, you're new."

"Give it a while. Oh. By the way..everything that happens, gets told to me."

"Umm why?"

"Daddy's scary when he's mad!"

I smirked.

"She's right. You should've seen him in high school."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Are you that dumb? It means...don't even think about messing with her. Hurt her, I hurt you."

"I'm not scared of you."

" kinda should be man. You kinda should be."

"Go bye bye!"

"Little girl here's how this is going to go. You don't tell me what to do. I don't care about, you telling your parents to do crap. You do not control me. Got it kid?"

Marionette started crying.

"You're screwed."

"It's okay. I'm right here."

My blood started boiling.

"Ummm..I'm sorry?"

"Yeah um, that doesn't go well with him. If he wasn't holding her, he's knock you out."

"To prevent that from happening, I'm taking our daughter to her room. You better change your tone when I come back down here."

I started walking away.

                          Primrose's POV
"What the hell?"

"Do you have kids?"

"Uh no?"

"Then you don't understand. Maybe, one day you will."

"Is he always this pissy?"

"It's 7:30 AM on a Sunday. You'd be pissy too if, someone went to your house, unannounced."

"A-am I getting killed?"

"Right now? Nope. If you piss him off again, probably right away."

I heard footsteps running towards me.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

Marionette showed up in front of me.


"The meanie has to leave!"

"Kid I'm not leaving just because, you want me to."

"Well you should!" She said as she stomped her foot.

Onyx ran downstairs.

"Marionette Jane leave them alone!"

"Go away! I don't like you!"

"Oh? You don't?"

"You made mommy leave!" She said as her voice cracked.

"Y-you saw all of that?"

She nodded.

"You made mommy and daddy fight! They never do!"

"'ve really fucked up now."

Alister crouched down in front of Marionette.

"You don't even know me enough to dislike me."

"I almost lost my mommy! It's all your fault!"

"You're seriously going to stand there and let her talk to me like this?"

"Trust me. It's better if, she yells at you."

"You better shut your mouth little girl!"



Alister raised his hand. Onyx grabbed his wrist.

"Touch her and I end you."

"She's being a bitch though!"

Onyx started squeezing Alister's wrist.

"Watch what you fucking call her!"

"Y-you're hurting me!"

"Give me one reason, why I shouldn't."

"Primrose are you really going to let him do this?!"

I shrugged.

"Are you serious?! Your mother is gonna kill you!"

"Mommy's getting killed?!"

"No! Mommy's not getting killed!"

"Then why did he say that?!"

"He didn't mean it like that sweetie."

"H-he just meant that, my mom would be upset if, she saw how this is going."

Onyx let go of Alister's wrist. He pushed him away. Onyx sat down on his knees. He held his arms out. She threw herself into them. He wrapped them around her. He started rubbing her back.

"Mommy's not getting killed. have less than a minute to get your ass outta my house."

"Oh wow! Less than a minute! How nice of you!"

"I'd run if I were you. I'd fuckin run like my ass was on fire."

"Ya might wanna listen."

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