Chapter 108

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                                 Onyx's POV
Wake up!

Wake up!

She was talking to Marionette!

Her and Malakai must be terrified!

Malakai saw me get shot!

My eyes opened. I sat up.

"I want my kids."

"I knew, you'd say that as soon you woke up."

Primrose kissed the side of my head.

"I'll call Tyla right now. Lay back down."

"H-how is everyone?"

"Terrified. MJ thinks, you're gonna die. She kept begging me to wake you up. Onyx...she's not doing good. I don't think....she's ever been this scared. She kept begging me to bring her here."

Not long after, I woke up, I heard footsteps running. Marionette ran into the room.


"Hey princess!"

I picked her up. I put her in front of me on the bed.

"Yay! You're awake!"

She started hugging me.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too."

"How do you feel?"


I moved a piece of hair out of her face.

"Where's your brother?"

I looked around the room. I saw Malakai sitting on a chair.

"Little man, why are you over there?"

"I didn't wanna bother you."

"Buddy you're not gonna bother me. Come here."

He got off the chair. He walked over to the bed. I picked him up and put him next to Marionette. He started hugging me.

"I'm sorry, I scared the both of you. Especially you Mal."

A few weeks after I was better, Me and Primrose got married. A few week after that, Roxana was born. Marionette and Malakai have been really helpful. We finally got a dog. Marionette and Malakai wanted to name him. They went with "Simba" he follows Marionette or Malakai, wherever they go. It's actually adorable. I was worried how a dog would be with a baby. Simba is patient with Roxana. He lets her play with his ears and poke him. He doesn't bark or bite her.

He guards Roxana's room at night or when she's napping. He comes and gets someone when, she wakes up. I check the baby monitor sometimes and see him, sleeping in front of the crib or in the doorway. We should've gotten him a long time ago. He barks at people he doesn't like. How'd we figure that out? Well....when Marionette and Malakai were 10, Marionette brought a friend at the time over. Simba kept barking. He went to bite the friend but, Marionette picked him up. She brought him to my room and put him in a dog bed. There's a few dog beds around the house.

Now the kids are 16 and 11. I feel so old now. Marionette is still friends with Sophie. They're not close anymore. I think that upsets Marionette. Elise has gotten closer to Marionette though. Malakai and Marionette, are like me. They're protective of their family. They hate when, one of their siblings get messed with. Roxana keeps to herself most of the time. She's really close to Alexia's daughter Aria. Alexia and River aren't living with me anymore. They actually live next door.

Aria and Roxana play together basically all the time. I think Roxana is scared to make friends. I'm not sure why. Hopefully we'll figure that out. Anywho. I love how my life turned out. I love my life now. I'm finally in a healthy household. I can't get enough of it. It's fucking amazing.

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