Chapter 98

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                                  Onyx's POV
A few hours after, I dropped her off, she called me crying. That Lola girl had punched her in the stomach. I picked her up. I brought her home.

"Prim? I'm taking her outta that school."

"Go talk to your dad about this."

My dad agreed on removing my sister from that school. While my dad went to withdraw her, me and Primrose started looking into different schools.

"Hey Lex? You're never going back to that school."

She sniffled and wiped away tears.

"I'm scared! W-what if...I lose the baby?!"

"The same thing happened to my ex. She had a miscarriage. We tried again. Talk to River. Maybe...he can help."


"I dunno. Support you?"

She woke up the next day in pain. She screamed. Me and Primrose ran to her room. The light was on in her bathroom. I knocked on the door.

"Hey Alexia? What's wrong?"

"A-am I supposed to be bleeding?!"

"No! No you're not!"

"I'm gonna kill this girl."

"Please do. Lex can we come in?"

She opened the bathroom door. She started hugging me. I started holding her tightly.

"Go get ready. I'll take you to the hospital."

"I wanna see River!"

"Okay. After you get looked at, we'll go see him."

She got dressed and I took her to the hospital. She was there for the rest of the day.

"It hurts to move."


I should bring River to her.

After she managed to sleep, I left the room. I went up to the room River was in. When I walked in, I saw him talking to his mom. He had regular clothes on.

"Hey. Umm..we have a problem."

"What's wrong?"

"Alex's been admitted. Lola punched her in her stomach."

"I-is she..."

"Yes. She is. We've been here since, yesterday afternoon."

He jumped up.

"What room is she in?"

"She's on the second floor. She's in room 210."

He started running.

"Is she okay?"

"No. She's in a lot of pain. I was going to bring her up here but, she said it hurts when she moves. I thought, it'd be better to bring him, to her. Did he get discharged yet?"

"Yes. He just did."

"My sister is never going back to that school. My dad, already withdrew her."

"That's a good idea. I have to go, pick up Kris. I'll get him later."


I walked out of the room. When I got to the room my sister was in, River was hugging her. Her face was burrowed into the crook of his neck. He was cradling her head. I walked up to the bed. I sat down in a chair.

"She's never going back to that school."

"Good. She shouldn't."

I saw River's mom by the door.

"I'll be back. I wanna talk to Dakota."

I got up and walked out of the room.

"Do you know, what school she's gonna go to now?"

"Not yet. We started looking yesterday. How does River feel?"

"Better. He's still in pain."

After Alexia was discharged, we looked at the school closest to my house. She liked it so, we enrolled her. River enrolled there too since, he was scared to go back to his original school. I'll admit. I'm starting to like that kid. Maybe he is different than, Jordan?

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