Chapter 73

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Onyx's POV
"Onyx you need to take your meds."

"I-I know. I-I just can't. I'll fall asleep. I have to stay awake."

"Nyxy it could be a while until, we hear anything. She'd want you to rest."

"M-my head is spinning."

"In about five seconds, I'm shoving them down your throat."

"Okay. Fine. I'll take them."

After I took them, Primrose stopped talking about that. I saw the door open. A nurse walked in.

"They're finishing up now. Everything went well. I'll come get you when, she being moved into a room."

"Thank you."

The nurse left and shut the door.

"Now do you feel better?"

"Jackson I swear...if you keep up that tone-"

"Don't finish that sentence Onyx Stone."

When we were told Marionette was in a room, I ran to it. When I got to the room, I ran right up to the bed.

"Hey princess. I-I'm right here okay? Mommy's gonna be in here in a few. She's just talking to someone."

I got in the bed. I laid on my left side so, I'd be facing my daughter. I moved hair out of her face.

"I'll be right here when you wake up."

My eyes started to get heavy. I started holding her hand.

"I'm here. I'm not leaving anything soon." I said as I yawned.

My eyes shut.

"Psst daddy?"

"Marionette let you father sleep. He's been up worrying about you. His medicine makes him tired."

I felt someone playing with my necklace.

Is this Primrose?

I felt arms go around one of mine. Someone pulled themself closer to me. My eyes opened when I heard crying. I jumped up. Marionette was the one crying.

"What happened?!"

"He's gonna get me!"

"No no. Shhhh. It's okay. Where's mommy?"

"She went to the bathroom."


"Hey it's okay. Did you just fall asleep?"

She nodded.

"Okay. It's okay."

I saw Primrose walk out of the bathroom in the room.

"I'm coming!"

She ran up to the bed.

"I'm scared!"

"Relax. I-it's okay. He's not going to get you."

"I saw them put him in handcuffs. He went in the back of a police car."

"Princess look at me. You're safe."

"No I'm not!"

"Sweetie look at me."

Marionette turned her head.

"You are safe. Mommy and I are right here."

"We're not going anywhere."

"My tummy hurts! Make it stop! Make it stop!"

"Rose go get her nurse."

Primrose ran away.

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