Chapter 27

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                               Onyx's POV
I kept watching Marionette.

I can't even look at my own father.

We all just sat there. We listened to me and my siblings vent. Marionette adjusted herself again.

I hope she sleeps for a while.

It hurts me, knowing she's having nightmares.

I remember the ones I'd have, when all of it, went to hell.

I'd have nightmares about my little girl, dying in front or me.

I can't tell anyone that.

I don't want pity.

I kissed her forehead.

"Let's make one thing clear. If you get a chance, and I mean IF you do. Hurt Primrose or any of my kids, you're done."

"Jesus Christ...have I hurt you this much?"

"You don't even know the half of it. You've done this whole thing wrong."


"You lied to your kids. You made us think we lost you forever. You threw all of our relationships with you, out the window. You fuckin went and had another family. THEN you fuckin drop all of this one us at once."

"I-I didn't know how to tell you."

"Oh so that's your excuse too? You didn't know how to tell us?"

I stood up without putting my daughter down.

"Onyx where are you going?"

"Away from whatever conversation this is. If you need me, I'll be locked in the game room."

I started walking away.

"The game room?! Hey! Get your ass back here! I'm your father!"

"Bite me!"




My heart dropped.

"Y-you cheated on mom?"

"What the fuck dad?"

"Did mom know?"

"Of course she didn't! Why do you think, I'd disappear for months?! I'm the one who asked for the divorce! Now you know! The truth fucking hurts doesn't it Onyx?!"

"Donovan why are you doing this to him?"

"He was so desperate for an answer! OH! Here's something else! You're not even my ACTUAL son!"

The room went silent.

"I-I'm not?" I said as my voice cracked.

"No! You're the fucking bastard child!"

"Donovan what the hell are you saying?!"

"The truth he's been begging for!"

"Dude I-I think you're going to far with this."

I felt a tear slide down my face.

"I'm actually your fucking uncle! Your mother got SO drunk one night, she went out and fucked my brother! Why do you think you look like Christopher?!"

"I-I thought I-I looked like you!"

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING BLIND! YOU LOOK MORE LIKE MY BROTHER! I suggested for your mother to get an abortion but NOOOO! She wanted a son! Alexander and Tyla are actually your fucking half siblings! I never wanted you!"

My legs started to get weak.

"Madeleine, did you know about this?"

"No. I-I had no idea. I-I swear!"

"Get the FUCK outta my house! Go! Who the hell do you think you are?!"

I'm the bastard child?

He's not actually my dad?

Did Christopher not want me?

My whole life, has been a lie?

Primrose, Alexander, and Tyla looked at me, with nothing but broken expressions.


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