Chapter 02.

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Kai's Pov.

It was almost eight when I got to work. I put on my apron and went to the counter where the other co-worker my friend Adam was.

" Hey yo! Kai! " He spoke full of energy while I got there.

" Hey Adam! Don't you think it's too late for this kind of energy? " I said taking a seat.

" It's never too late, you're just too lazy. " He said chuckling.

" You think, " I said sarcastically looking up to him.

He laughed and went on to work. The cafe is not crowded at this time of the day, just a few working people doing they're work peacefully and I like it. I served a customer a coffee and some muffins then got back behind the counter.

As it was getting late, my painkiller's power was going down and the toothache was coming back again. I sat behind the counter and put my head on my hands. My head felt like it would explode any minute. I massaged my temples slightly. It's not going down. I went behind and went through my bag, fucking dumbass I didn't bring any extra painkillers.

I returned back to the counter and Adam was serving a woman.

" Do you have any painkillers? " I asked as he got back in the counter.

" What? No why- " he said confused.

" Don't you have like anything even one?! " I asked again and took a seat as he did the same.

" Why would I carry painkillers around? " He asked.

I was fucking pissed at this point. Even hearing him talk made me mad. I felt like kicking someone right now. I put my head down in the counter. Adam looked at me concerned.

" Dude, are you alright? Do you wanna go to the hospital? " He asked resting his hand on my back.

" No, just a painkiller. " I said

" I'm not sure if store's are open right now, do you wanna go home? " He asked.

Too many fucking questions! I'm asking for a damn painkiller Adam, you dumbass.

" Damn it! I just want a painkiller! " I said raising up my head making Adam get back.


Evelyn's Pov.

I closed the clinic and Nicole left. Nicole is my assistant. I own a dental clinic and I'm a Dentist. I live alone and I'm too tired to cook today. I'm thinking of grabbing some pastries, that'll be nice. There's a cafe open at this time around the corner, I'll go there.

I parked at the cafe and went in. The place isn't much big and crowded. The speakers played a song softly.

' we fell in love in October.. that's why.. I love fall..
Looking at the stars.. admiring from afar...

My girl.. my girl.. my girl... '

Girl in red, I wander who's playlist this is. This place is definitely LGBTQ+ friendly for sure. The cafe is so relaxing, I took a seat at the corner. A young boy came up to me and took my order. I asked for take away and got my order but didn't want to leave till the song ends. I listened to the music and relaxed.

Something caught my attention from behind the counter. Another young boy came in and is having a conversation with the boy who took my order. The boy that just entered looks frustrated. I hope he's alright. He put his head on the counter, just then the song ended and Heather by Conan gray started playing next. Oh~ I'd love to stay but I need to go home. So I got up and went to the counter to pay.

" Damn it! I just want a painkiller! " The boy said raising his head up to his co-worker.

I stood in front of the counter and both the boy's froze as their attention fell on me.

" Uh- sorry ma'am. " The boy who took my order took my bill.

" It's alright. " I smiled at him then looked to the boy who plastered his head back on the counter.

I heard that he wanted a painkiller and I surely have some with me. I couldn't just leave. I went through my bag and got a painkiller tablet card that was almost empty. I placed it on the counter and the boy that took my order smiled at me.

" I hope this helps him. " I said as the boy who took my order got the tablet card.

" Oh- it's a she, " he said..

Before I could say a word, she raised her hand up and took the tablet card from the boy's hand with still her head on the counter.

" It's actually a they. " They said turning around and grabbing some water.

I couldn't see they're face properly. I smiled at them and said good bye to the boy at the counter and left.

That was unexpected.


Kai's Pov.

It's been three days since the incident took place at the cafe and since then I take my painkillers with me everywhere I go. At this point I think I'm overdosing. The painkillers aren't responding like they used to do. I'm now at the cafeteria with the two love birds. I finished off my juice and looked to James and Anna who was having a conversation.

" So, Kai. When are you gonna have a girlfriend? " Asked James.

I choked on air at the question.

" Girlfriend's don't just fall from the sky James. " I said making Anna laugh then followed by James.

" Alright, jokes aside. Seriously aren't you going to find a girlfriend soon? " Asked Anna sounding seriously now.

" I might.. someday.. is there a problem with it? " I asked them raising an eyebrow.

" Absolutely not, we would love you to have a girlfriend! So we can go on double dates! " Anna said excitedly and held onto James hand.

I just shook my head at they're silliness.
" Really, Not. I would rather be single. " I said.

" Uh- rude, " Anna said, letting James's hand go.

" I'm just kidding, I will.. I hope so.." I said giving Anna a slight push in the shoulder.

" Yay! " Anna squealed.

" I bet you'll be single until you get out of here. " James whispered not wanting Anna to hear.

" At this point, I guess you'll win. " I whispered back earning a smirk from him.


( A/N : is this chapter too small? I'm confused. Lmk!  :']  )

My Dentist Girl. { gxg }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon