Chapter 24.

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"  Team Delta, report ."
"  Sir,  the targets were taken down. The people are secured."
" any injuries? "
"  Corporal Kai was shot down sir. "

I heard Mike talking in a distance. I heard people talking, it sounded like we were at our base. Now I knew everything is in safe hands. I closed my eyes and let my body rest letting the sharp pains in my body sink in to my skin.


The bright light that hit my face was blinding. I winced at the sharp pain on the right side of my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly adapting to my surroundings.

" goodness she's up! " I heard Sharon say the first thing I looked around.
" get commander." Mike said to a soldier who was there that I didn't recognize.
" are you alright man? " Mike asked hovering over my face.
" I've been better." I said mustering a slight smile.
I was in bed with my undershirt and trousers. My right shoulder was bandaged under it. I tried moving my right hand but stopped at the unbearable pain it caused.
" Hey! Hey coporal easy now. You got three shots there. " Mike said gesturing over to my bandaged shoulder.

That explains a lot. I sighed in relief to the thought of still being here after everything.
" Team Delta!" commander yelled as he walked over to us.
The four us were snapped out of our thoughts by his mighty voice. The others stood straightening there posture while I sat up to show respect to our commander.
" No need Coporal, rest." he said as we saluted.

" I'm glad for what your team did yesterday but what you did doesn't sit right with me Coporal." he said turning his gaze to me his voice serious and deadly.
" I'm sorry sir. " I apologized sincerely already knowing what he meant.
My throat was dried as ever. When was the last time I ate or drank?
" it shows that you Corporal has a food poisoning and I'm not going to question why you didn't seek medical attention now." he said taking in a deep breath.
" - because your medical report has been clear for the past two years let this be my first and last warning to you Corporal. " he said.
" Yes sir. " I said confidently and as loud as I could sound right now.
He nodded slightly.
" Because of your work for the past two years team Delta.. You're being sent to recuperate. " Commander said.

The four of us couldn't believe it. We hid the excitement behind our faces each with scars that holds stories. We're being sent home. After these tough years I never knew I needed to go home this bad.
" your team will be given three months of a time. Afterwards you will be summoned by the headquarters and you'll be transferred here again. Did I make myself clear? " he questioned.
" yes sir!" the four of us answered together.
" your team and Sergeant Henry will be leaving tomorrow morning. Be ready. " he said and walked away leaving the four of us alone.

Wide smiles appeared on each of our faces. Not even realizing we missed our home places. I sent the others away for them to get ready and pack they're belongings. I stayed in bed for a while my mind was busy with thoughts of a particular blonde. I thought of all the things I would talk with her. Places I should visit with her. Most importantly of a decision I must make. Getting up slowly I felt weak and slowly made my way to the others to get ready.


  In the morning the four of us and our old man Sergeant Henry got on the truck with our belongings. It was a long journey back home. We kept talking about our plans for the vacation. Specially Sergeant Henry who's visiting home after four years. 
  It was evening when we arrived at the headquarters. From there we went ways I got on the bus to the town while the others went they're way.
On the bus my heart pounded fast as crazy. I felt a strange feeling take over me at the thought of seeing Evelyn after years. I know I have changed from appearance and behavior and that made me nervous. If she'll like me now, if she would still love me.

The bus came to a stop at the familiar street. I threw my bag over my left shoulder being careful of my fresh stitches and got off.  The evening chill whether welcomed me as soon as I was out.
The smell of fresh air that is not always heavy with the heat, I missed it. I took a deep breath filling my lungs to the fullest as I walked towards where my heart lead me.


The familiar bell chrimmed as I opened the door and entered. The place didn't look any different from what I remembered it to be. I walked to the front desk where I saw her sit.

" ehm. Can I meet the doctor please." I spoke clearing my throat Making the woman's head turn up immediately.
" k-Kai?" she spoke with a smile.
" damn, never seen you smile before." I said leaning on the counter with a smirk on my face.
" Oh there you go again! Missed you so much kiddo. " she said getting up.
I hugged her slightly. The annoying nicole.

" is she here?" I asked gesturing over to the office once we pulled away.
" we were just getting ready to close." she said.

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