Chapter 18.

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Evelyn's POV.

  I arrived at the Cafe a little earlier than Kai. I sat down at the corner table. The usual calming music playing softly through the speakers.

" my girl.. My girl.. My girl.. You will be my world.."
Girl in red was playing just as the first day I met Kai here. Adam was behind the counter busy serving people.
I was waiting patiently wanting to know what's going on with Kai, she's been so distant. My mind told me many things that I tried to ignore. Which was hard. While waiting I thought of ordering something for myself. I was about to get up when someone held me by the shoulder making me sit back down again.
I looked up to see Damian looking down at me.

" Evelyn, nice to meet you here!" he said while taking a seat infront of me. It wasn't a pleasant meeting for me. I was startled. Kai will be here in no time.
" uh- nice meeting you too, Mr. Damian." I said.
" I've never seen you here around this time before. " he said. " anything special? Let me guess your partner is coming?" he finished with a smirk.

" yes, she'll be here soon." I replied.
" oh that kid, I'd love to meet her too if you don't mind." he said, that annoyed me a bit. I forced a smile and stayed silent.

His eyes were all over the place. Which I did not pay much attention to. I was about to take my phone to get out of here.

That's when she spoke.
" You look at her that way again and I swear sir I'll pull both your eyes out for you." Kai. She stood at the table between me and Damian making him fix his gaze on her.

" Kai! You came." I said pleased. She gave me a soft smile and turned to Damian.
" I saw what you were doing Mr, and I'd like you to leave now. " she said. I was confused of what she was talking about.
" or what kid.?" Damian talked back.
I can see Kai's face redden with anger. She placed a bouquet of flowers on the table and leaned on the table.
" I said leave. " she said in a soft threatening voice.
" act for your age kid," he said. Before I could stop, Kai pulled Damian out of his seat with his shirt collar.
" I told you not to look at her, now leave." she hissed at him.
He made himself stable on feet and stormed out the door. A few heads were turned at us now. This was absolutely immature and unwanted.
Embarrassed with the looks people were giving us, I dragged her out with me.
I was Furious with what she did. I stopped at the parking.

" what do you think you just did?" I asked her as she stood with the bouquet of flowers from earlier.
" I showed him his place." she said almost feeling proud of what she did.
" That was unnecessary Kai! You were being immature, what're you to threaten people like that? " I said feeling my anger rise.

" I was doing the right thing! Didn't you see the way he was looking at you?" she said.
" he's my patient!" I said.
" he's your patient inside the dental, outside he's just a dude who can't keep his belongings in his pants! ." she yelled.

" Kai! You know what ? I'm done. This is where I draw the line. " I said.
" what do you mean? " she asked, her voice lowered now.

" you've been distant from me. You didn't even come to meet my friends! I wanted you there. No calls, no texts. I don't know where you were or what you were doing! I knew this won't go right." I said.
" you could've found someone your age to play," I said, my heart fell with each word I'm saying. Tears forming in my eyes.
" eve- No it's nothing like you're thinking. I was going to explain it all to you. " she said.

"  I saw who you are just now. I can't do this anymore. You couldn't even control yourself. It's not going to work." I said, this is not the Kai I knew. I was afraid she'll hurt me.

" Eve I'm sorry. " she said blankly.
" what ever we had, it's over. I'm your dentist and you're my patient. That's it. " I said trying to put a smile on my face. It hurt me as much more than I had ever been hurt. I want her but I'm afraid. With what I've seen my whole life. It'd be the last thing I'd want to happen to me.

I saw no reaction from her. She was silent.
" I better get going. If there's anything wrong with your treatment come to my office. " I said and walked away.
I can feel her looking at me from behind. But I cannot afford to look back. Tears escaped my eyes. Hurrying up I got onto my car and drove off as she was just there.


A/N : I feel like this chapter is all over the place. I'm sorry for that.

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