Chapter 19.

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Kai's POV.

Today is the day I've been waiting for my whole life. I'm leaving for the military. The morning cold breeze ran through my short hair calming me as I was on my morning run. When I got home mom and Steve was up in the kitchen.

" good morning, get freshened and come. Breakfast is ready." she said.
I nodded and head upstairs. I was happy to leave today but a part of me was still waiting in the car park for eve to come back to me.
It's been three long days since I last saw eve at the car park and I never had the chance to say goodbye.
Making up my mind I took a shower and put some of the last things I need in my backpack and went downstairs.

" Call us when you're able to alright. " Steve said as he served me breakfast.
" okay dude, don't worry." I said smiling at him.
" we know you'll be alright, but keep in touch with us." mom said.
" fine mom. I'll call you." I replied as I digged into the food.

After breakfast I was going to get ready. I went through my belongings and sat on my bed. My mind constantly told me to call eve. I wanted to tell her I'm sorry and that I'm leaving. Unknowingly tears roll down my eyes. I sat there blankly for a while with my phone in my hands fighting my thoughts.

I can't do this not now in the last minute.. I told myself as I got up. I grabbed a picture of Evelyn I had with me and put it in my bag.
"Kai! You're getting late!" mom shouted from downstairs.
" give me a minute, I'll be there." I replied and grabbed a paper and a pen.


The bus will arrive to take me to headquarters in a while. So I put my bag on and went downstairs where Anna and James came over to see me. Steve came towards me as I went ppand pulled me in a tight hug.
" be safe kiddo! I'll miss you! " he said patting my back.
" I'll miss you too, look after mom for me." I said as we parted. He nodded in response and smiled.

" Come home soon Kai." mom said her eyes glossy.
" I will mom. I love you." I said and hugged her.

" I'll be going now or I'll be late. " I said and walked out the door with them behind me.
" take care we love you!" Anna said as she waved.

I don't know when I'll be back but I'd never forget anything about this place. I walked down the street towards the bus station leaving my home and my loved ones behind me. I was happy to finally be able to do what I like but it hurts to leave.

I was at the bus station in time when the military bus arrived. I got in and sat took a seat. As the bus drove I passed places that holds many memories.

The Cafe where Adam and I worked plenty of night shifts together, where I first met Evelyn when she gave me painkillers. The car park where we ended it. The town park we went out together with Anna and James, Evelyn's dental where I spent most my time recently. The store I drove at night in the rain to get eve food. It all flashed right in front of my eyes when I was nowhere in town now.


Evelyn's POV.

It's been two weeks now since I've last seen Kai at the car park. No calls nor texts from her. Past few days felt empty although I thought it was the best thing for me, I want her. I still sleep with her used bedsheets, I can't eat without knowing if she's alright. I want to admit that I love her but it's hard. The dental is empty without her laughs, her teasing, without her. I must see her.

I walked out my office to where Nicole was in front.
" we're closing." I told her.
" what, why?" she asked concerned.
" I got somewhere to be. It's urgent." I said and she nodded.
" alright I'll lock the place up Jacky will be here too now, you go ahead." she said.
" thanks Nicole, see you tomorrow." I said and grabbed my belongings and left.

On my way to Kai's home I stopped at the bakery and bought some fresh bread hoping to have dinner with her at her place. I told myself constantly that Kai will give me a chance as I drove. Turning to her street I felt nervous.

I parked at her place and walked to they're door. I swear I will turn around and run if Kai opens the door. I smiled to myself. I gathered myself and knocked with a smile and fresh bread in my hand. There's no way she can resist fresh bread, I know she love them. The door opened slightly and Kai's mother was there.

"Hello, doctor Evelyn. Come in." she said and gestured me in.
" hello mrs. Sasaki." I said and handed her the bread.
" oh dear, thank you! It smells lovely. Come sit." she said with a warm smile.
" I was passing by and thought maybe I'd visit and say hello. " I said obviously lying.
" that's so nice of you, would you like a cup of tea?" Mrs. Sasaki said while leaving the bread on the table.

" that'd be great. " I said and walked over to the kitchen with her. " so mrs. Sasaki is Kai home? Haven't heard of her in a while." I asked looking around to the stairs.
Just by hearing it her smile dropped but she managed to get it back.
" oh Kai, yeah yeah, would you like biscuits too? " she asked as if she's trying to ignore thst question.
I nodded and sat down with her. As we both were drinking tea. Kai's mother looked up at me and spoke.

" Evelyn, I must tell you something." she said.
" what is it mrs. Sasaki? " I asked leaving my tea cup on the table.

" Kai, won't be back for awhile." she said. Although I heard it, it didn't hit me hard.
"is she working will she get late?" I asked checking the clock.
" No honey, she won't be back for another couple of years." she said this time to which I froze.
" Kai's in the military now, it's been a week now that she left home." Kai's mother said. I could not believe what I just heard.

My eyes got blurry. My head hurt, my throat tightened and breathing got heavy. I couldn't hold it in. Uncontrollably tears fell followed by sobs.
Mrs. Sasaki got up and came to my side to comfort me but it was no use. I cried my heart out. I cried out loud wanting kai to come downstairs and comfort me, call my name, tease me but she never came. I couldn't even see her, say goodbye, say that I love her, say that I'm sorry. She might've wanted me by her side but I ruined it.

After my crying ceased Mrs. Kai spoke.
"darling, I want you to stay with us tonight." she said patting my back.
I didn't say a word.
" I can't let you go on your own in this situation, I want you to stay with us for as long as you like." she said. I nodded slightly feeling lifeless.
" come with me I'll show you her room, you can stay there." Kai's mother said and helped me up.
I went behind her to Kai's room. It was well cleaned with her belongings still in there.

" take a shower and come I'll prepare dinner for us. Don't ever feel like you're alone, we're your family now. " she said with a warm comforting smile.
" thank you for everything Mrs. Sasaki." I said and she left leaving me alone in Kai's room.

I pulled out some clothes of Kai that would fit me and took a relaxing shower. They have Kai's smell on them just like the sheets. After putting them on I went downstairs to Kai's mom.

" you fit well in them." she said. We had dinner. She said Steve wasn't home today and that he's working tonight. I agreed to come as often as I can to stay with them.
After dinner we both had a glass of wine and went upstairs.
Before I could close the room door behind me Kai's mother came.
" and eve, Kai wanted me to give this to you." she said handing me a piece of paper.
" thank you hinari." I said and closed the door once she went.

I went ahead and sat on Kai's bed and opened up the paper.


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