Chapter 21.

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Kai's POV.

Waking up early in the morning we got our bags and head out where the truck was ready for us. There were necessary packages in it already to be taken to the base. The four of us placed our things inside the truck and got off when cheif arrived.

" Team Delta, deployed till further notice." cheif said and the four of us saluted. We hopped on the truck afterwards and a long journey began.

We passed my town square, places I used to hangout the most, few years back. Not anymore.My mind roamed to the blonde that I've been missing these few years. I don't know when I'll be back to headquarters or when I'll be able to see her again and talk to mom but it will be a while.


After hours of traveling we finally arrived to our kennicott base in the evening . The sun was setting over the Rocky hills. The few trees around the base were washed in the dim sunlight moving slightly with the cold breeze that flew across the base.
Fellow soldiers came running to unload the packages with us and we saw commander walking towards us.

" Team Delta, I'm commander Deran. Cheif had said to keep your team on guard. There will be more duties for you here. Sergeant Henry here will take you'll to the barracks." commander said.
" Yes sir!" we saluted and commander went away.
" Let's get these in first. "Sergeant Henry said and we all took the packages sent from the headquarters along with our bags.

We walked to the warehouse and placed the packages inside. Afterwards we head to the barracks with Sergeant Henry.
" Your duties will be assigned tomorrow be ready at seven in the morning." Sergeant Henry said as we stopped at the barracks.
" Yes sir. " we replied.
" don't be too hard on yourself kids, I haven't left this place in 4 years. Take it easy." he said while turning to walk away.
The four of us looked at each other. Mike's face was filled with horror.
" It'll be alright man let's go. "Sharon patted Mike's back and we went in.

It was a open hall with beds on both sides not like the rooms at the headquarters. There were soldiers walking around, talking with the time they had for themselves.
" Women's beds are on the other hall. " a soldier said when he saw Sharon, Becky and myself stand with Mike.
" I'll see you guys later then, be ready tomorrow. "
Mike said.

" I feel bad for Mike, he haven't seen his kid in three years now." Sharon said and we agreed. It's hard for him but non of us are in a position to be sorry for each other now. We haven't been home for a long time and add to that another couple of years..

The night was cold and the whole place was silent. How may I tried to sleep I couldn't. My mind was distracted, it felt heavy. I got up not making much noice. I slid my hand under the pillow and took out the picture I had with me and went out.

The base ground wasn't much empty at night. There were soldiers walking around on guard with torches and there were some of them just out. Just like me. It looks like it's common here.
I sat down at a stairway I found. The night sky clear with stars above us. I took out the picture, it's me and eve on our date to the town. I wonder what she's upto now. If she's sleeping in my bed Or if she's wearing my clothes. I smiled to myself. I haven't seen her in years but still just a single thought about her could make me feel better.
It makes me worry now. When will I be able to see her again. Words from Sergeant earlier rang in my mind. I'm scared that if I'm late she'll stop waiting for me. I leaned back on the stairs while my mind ran back to her.

" Corporal Kai," a voice called and I looked up.
Sergeant Henry was standing in front of me. I tried to stand up but was stopped by him.
" it's alright kid, sit. Your partner?" he asked gesturing to the picture in my hand.
" yes sir, my-" I stopped. I didn't know how to answer that question. I couldn't find an answer to it.
He nodded as if he understood me.
" missing home already?" he said while sitting next to me. I slightly nodded putting the picture in my pocket.
" Life is never easy here but you know if you want to go back you must hold on. You'll are still young. You'll have more time of your life to yourselves. " he said. He's point was not so clear to me but it was the truth. It's no joke that the old man misses his home, his partner and kids but he must hold on and endure whatever he's going through for some more time. The two of us fell silent we stared at the soldiers walking around in the distance, at the dim lights that lit the base ground.

" It's better if you go back to the Barracks now, you don't want commander to see you now. " he said and got up. I nodded and got up after him.
" and don't tell commander that you saw me now." he said with a small smile.
" yes sir." I said to which he slightly nodded and went away. With that I slowly got up and went back.


It's been three months now since we've been transferred to the base. I haven't called home even once.

Our daily schedule was not much different to how it was at the headquarters. We will go for our morning run and on the way we will get stuff if needed from the town. Each of us were assigned a group of soldiers to train. We would spend the rest of the day on training or on guard.
Sergeant Henry and our team became close. That at some nights we would gather outside the ground to talk. He would share his experience through the past years and we would carefully listen to every detail that left his mouth.

" Now these are roads you can run on." Mike spoke as we were on our morning run to the town.
" Didn't you run the same at the quarters? " Sharon asked.
" I don't see no difference in the way you run. " Becky scoffed.
" You'll see soon! " he said before speeding now running before all of us.
" yo! Mike! " I shouted as he ran passing us like some maniac.
" Son of a - " Sharon hissed under her breath only for us to hear.
The three of us sped up to his lead. We ran our asses off. We were running out of breath. We were already in the town running through the streets earning smiles from people watching us chase Mike.
When we were close to the store he slowed down. The three of us kept our speed and hit him in the back as we stopped running past him.

" Ah! Goddamn! " he yelled as we three hit him. We couldn't help but laugh. Being out of breath the four of us stood there trying to catch our breath.
" I told you'll these are roads you can run on. I have never seen the three of you so dedicated during our morning run. " he said straightening himself with a smile.
" You.." Becky started but ended with a loud sigh controlling her words towards Mike whose a Corporal and is a senior for her. Although we were young and as close as friends we always respected each others posts.
Mike chuckled as we all head inside the store.

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