Chapter 15.

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Evelyn's Pov.

We were walking back to Kai's bike with some bags filled with random things we bought today. The sun was setting painting the surroundings with a shade of orange. We spent our whole day walking around the place. She won pretty good prizes for me. Actually she got me every prize I wanted. Stopping at her bike, she handed me the helmet taking my bags away.
Holding tight onto her I watched everything we drove passed.
" are you making dinner? " she asked with her focus on the road.
" I was planning to, what's wrong? " I asked.
" I thought maybe you're tired. " she spoke looking at the side mirror for a second.

The rest of the ride was silent. It was getting darker by the second. After pulling up at my place we got off and went in.
" I'm going to prepare dinner for us. " I said walking towards the kitchen.
" wait, I'll help! " she jumped up from the couch following me to the kitchen.
" Now, you are about to witness a master chef work. " I said tying my apron behind me. She burst out laughing " you're funny. " she said sitting on a stool.
" alright! You know what, I'm not going to making dinner! " I said playing along trying to untie the apron.
She got off the stool and wrapped her arms around me, still laughing. I froze as her hands stopped me from untying the apron. Her breath warm against my neck, I felt my knees giving off.
" I'm just kidding, I want you to cook for me. " she said resting her chin on my shoulder.
Am I imagining things or is this real. Did I hear that write or should I rephrase it in my mind. Just then she let me go and stood in front of me. I can feel my cheeks burning and I wouldn't want to imagine how much I'm blushing right now. She had a smile on her face.

" alright what do you want help with? " she asked as if she was not hugging me a second ago. I stood silent trying to process what's going on. " Evelyn!? " she said making snap out. I grabbed some onions and handed it to her.
" peel and cut them. " I said Turing around. She knows exactly what she's doing to me. I can feel her smile behind me. I want you to pay for what you did just now, I'd love to see you cry while cutting those onions kai. I thought as I prepped the chicken.

I placed the chicken in the oven. Unfortunately she didn't cry while cutting onions. " are you going to change? Have a shower? " I asked her.
" I don't have any clothes to change into and I must go home today so it won't be necessary. " she said.
" I'm going to take a shower then, keep an eye on the food. " I said and went upstairs.


After dinner we sat together on the couch with cups of tea. I turned on the TV while she stared down at her tea, weird. " Evelyn.. " she spoke.
" Hmp? " I settled myself on a TV show to watch not looking over to her.
" I need to talk to you. " she said in a low voice.
" what is it? " I asked going through TV channels.
" I.. Like you. " she spilt out at once. My heart started racing. A part of me wanted to hug her and listen to everything she's about to say while a part of me wanted to get up and run. I turned to look at her. She was staring at her cup of tea.

" I really like you, I don't know if it's wrong but I like you and I've never felt this way towards no one. " she said looking up to me.
This feels like something that I've been waiting to hear all this long. I wanted to say too, that I like the way she makes me feel. That I like her. But then reality hit me. She's eighteen with a whole life ahead of her. While I'm a thirty one year old woman who has no idea what she's doing.

It fell silence with only the sound of the TV working. I gathered myself to talk. " kai- listen, you're an amazing person. You're young and has your whole life ahead But I'm a thirty one year old, it won't work out. " I managed to say but deep down I wanted to jump up and hug her and say that I like her too.
" Eve, I don't care- if it's the fact that I'm young that bothers you, I'll wait till I'm twenty one or something. "
" it won't change a thing. " I said getting up.

But eve- it do- " she tried to speak.
" kai. Stop. It won't work, and I'd like you to stop talking about it now. "I said finishing my cup of tea.
I can see her eyes sparkle with tears, something that I just realized I hated to watch. She stood up.
" I'd be going. Thank you. " she said and stormed out the door with her belongings.

I stood in silence not knowing what to do. I wanted to run after her, but I wanted to let her go for her own good. I sat back down on the couch. What I did was wrong although it felt right. But it doesn't make me happy. I want her to stay, next to me. Without knowing tears streamed down my face. If I did what's right, why does it hurt this bad, why am I crying. I can't be rejecting and pushing away everything in my life.. I like her.

I ran out the door just hoping that somehow she'd be outside for me. I looked around, my vision was blurred with tears. There she was leaning onto her bike by the side of the road. When she felt that I'm there she looked up to me. I ran to her as fast as I could and wrapped my arms around her tightly as if I'd lose her forever if I let go.

" I'm so sorry kai! I was afraid. I want you to stay, with me. " I said still not letting her go. She didn't move letting me say whatever I wanted to.

" I like you kai! So very much! " I bursted out crying...
" shh.. I love you! " she said softly patting my head..


( a/n : thank you so much for reading it means a lot to me. Also hope you liked this one.
Finals are around the corner so I'm trying my best to update! So I really appreciate for those who saved this book or just read.
I love y'all so much! I'll try to update as fast as I can.
Also I'd like you to point out any typos :'] )

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