A Numbing Contagion

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It's catching in my throat
The hurt, the pain
It's hanging by a thread
My heart, my brain
It's slapping me in the face
The betrayal, my rage.

How can you look at her face
Without seeing the tears in my eyes?
How can you smile for photos
Knowing you left my trust in disarray?
How can you live with yourself
Hearing the cries of a woman scorned?

It must be easy to feel nothing at all
To numb your soul 'til it floats away.
It must be funny to see me fall
To watch me pound the ground and ask why.
It must be okay to leave a mark and walk away
To abandon the mess you made like it's okay.

It's difficult to wipe the blood from my hands
To clean up a disaster I didn't even know I had.
It's crazy to think I was happy just days ago
To now, when I can't even feel the sun's glow.
It's contagious to feel nothing when you've felt it all before
To dab away the wounds and be numb to it all.

But you already know, don't you?
'Cause you taught me how.

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