One Day in the Life

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One day you will not have to say "one day."
You will say "nine months,"
Or "March 21st,"
Or "tomorrow."

One day you will feel all the pain in the world
With only screams in the background,
Orders darted in your direction,
And a final cry when it's all over.

One day you will hold him in your arms
And promise that everything will be fine,
Despite your anxieties and uncertainties,
And stare at his perfect face.

One day you will walk him to his first day of kindergarten,
Crying as his hand drops yours to latch onto a toy truck,
But he will wave when you aren't looking,
And you will drive away with a mascara-marked face.

One day you will see him walk across the stage for his diploma
And you will jump, scream, and cry simultaneously,
While he pretends he doesn't know you,
But you will hug him and kiss his forehead until he smiles.

One day you will hear the news of his condition
And wonder how his car ended up ablaze,
And he was admitted into hospital
While you cleaned up the leftover lasagna.

One day you will see his face again.
Once the bandages are removed,
But for now you must sit at his bed and hold his hand
To be sure he cannot slip away again.

One day you will hold him in your arms
And he will cry once again,
Because he will need you for the next nine months
Like he did when he was a baby.

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