It Meant A Lot To Me

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There was this moment
It meant a lot to me.

We were both out of breath
You, from moving and exploring,
Me, from following you on the journey.
You'd kissed my neck and shoulder
And butterflies flew from my skin.
I unbuttoned my shirt
To cool off from the steamy air around us
And your hand dropped to my waist.
You traced a mole I'd had near my belly button
Since I was a baby,
And your other hand drew circles on my back.
My eyes would have given away my fear
Had your eyes not met them with reassurance
That this was the only place
You wanted to be
And I was beautiful
With all of my flaws.

So I kissed you and
Your hand flattened
Against my excited skin
I'd never felt
So alive before.
I stroked the deep scar
On your shoulder blade
And lifted off
Your cotton shirt,
While your hands
Partnered to climb
My spine.
My heartbeat played in my ears
As you pulled my shorts towards you.
We went on our adventure together
And while I may forget what we did--
All the moments melt into one--
I will always have the memory
Of what happened

There was this moment
It meant a lot to me.

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