To Me

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You were a stranger to me
When you came up to me with my friend
So I smiled at you and noticed that
You nodded at everything that was said.

You were an acquaintance to me
When I waved at you and I knew you forgot who I was,
When you were a "friend-of-a-friend,"
And when I heard about you through lunch time buzz.

You were a friend to me
When I spoke to you at parties,
When we talked about our interests and hobbies,
And when you laughed the time I was sent to the office.

You were a best friend to me
When you supported my unattainable crush
Despite your own feelings
And my blind ability to turn you into mush.

You were a crush to me
When I saw the innocence in your smile,
When I fell for your cartoon laugh,
And when I witnessed your adorable wiles.

But now you're a stranger to me
Because we pretended to be fine
And I saw you eyeing another girl
After I'd asked you to be mine.

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