Teenage Love Affair

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He used to stare at me 'til I'd chime;
The icy coldness froze my heart to stone;
When I look at him now, he is stern most of the time;
He used to be the one I'd never postpone;
But our relationship changed at the drop of a dime.

We changed each other;
I used to think that he made me glow;
I never wanted to tell my mother,
He made me feel my all time low;
I always knew his heart belonged to another.

He lied to me;
I thought I must have been too plain;
My friends told me, we were meant to be;
Then he said our relationship was too much of a strain;
I was a fool 'cause I didn't see.

It all just became a mess;
Our relationship was just an overall hit-and-miss;
Then I forced him to confess;
And our first kiss was pure bliss;
But he found my weakness.

But when I found out that he'd lied;
I knew he'd find a way to burn out my light;
That hurt me so much, I finally cried;
And I knew he wasn't right.
Even after we were done and dusted, I let him know that I tried.

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