What's It Like?

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It's like the moments before you enter the Principal's office for the first time,
Where the unknown seems to slowly swallow your insecurities
And your future seems fractured.

It's like the first lie you tell
Which irritates and burrows into your mind,
Laying eggs of guilt into your memory.

It's like the first time you look in the mirror
And you don't like what you see.
So you promise to do better,
But you don't know who you're promising.

It's like posing naked
Except all of your clothes are on your body, 
But they suddenly make you uncomfortable.

It's like a self-conscious security blanket
That makes you feel safe when holding it,
But exposed when it leaves your grasp.

It's like a truth serum triggering verbal diarrhea
And your only hope is that your words come out correctly
While your heart regrets your confession and your brain wants to flee.

It's like staring into a person's eyes
And while you see their beauty,
They admire the person behind you.

It's like falling for someone who you thought deserved better.
But when you finally think you do,
They realize they deserve more than you can offer.

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