:::: Part Three Preface ::::

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Manuela always loved tending to her garden. It took her years to convince her brother Marcus, or Number One as he liked the Sparrows to call him, to build a zen garden for their academy. Every once in a while the Sparrows would train in the courtyard surrounded by peace and tranquility. Those were the easy days when they would practice things like tia chi or yoga as opposed to combat or drills. But they hadn't had one of those days in a while. Manuela was number eight in the group meaning she ranked the lowest. She didn't mind though. She loved being left alone to practice her powers.

For hours Manuela would spend time in the garden. She would practice pulling all of the life out of the plants before pushing all of the life she had to offer back into them. Sometimes her favorite brother Ben would join her. Although she never dared to practice her powers around him. Whenever she was around her other siblings she wore her gloves. The gloves protected her family in case she ever lost control.

Her brown eyes rolled in annoyance when the blaring alarm echoed through the zen garden pretty much harshing her vibe. Lazily Manuela rose to her feet while dusting off her plaid uniform skirt before she made her way to the parlor.

"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" Manuela heard Ben ask from down the hall. Curiously she picked up her pace. There was a pause before Ben continued, "And what the hell did they do to Manu?"

"Shit." A quiet chorus of voices mumbled as Manuela stepped into the room. Her brown eyes widened when she took in the sight before her.

Seven strangers stood in the middle of the parlor looking like they had just gone to hell and back. But that wasn't what surprised her the most. What really shocked her was the young girl standing with the group. The girl couldn't have been older than fifteen or sixteen and was wearing a ripped-up blue tee shirt and a long yellowish-orange skirt that was stained with mud. Her face was bruised and her tangled black hair was pulled back in a sloppy ponytail. But none of that mattered. What mattered was the fact that the girl's face was identical to her own. Or at least how she looked fifteen years ago.



Guys I'm so excited that season three is finally out! Also I just want to thank you all so much for +20k reads this story has done well on my page since I first published it but I've noticed a lot more activity these past few months. You guys are amazing !!

I'm currently working on writing this new season with Nova but I'm excited to introduce Manuela to you guys. I've had her planned out as a possible incorporation since I finished season two. I hope you all love her as much as I do. Stay tuned for more chapters coming soon :)



Nova's Spotify Playlist: Nova Perez's Epic Time Travel Jams

Manu's Spotify Playlist: Manuela Hargreeves' Post-Mission Jams

First Published: 07/11/2022

Edited: 09/21/2023

Chapter Word Count: 500

Book Word Count: 77,180

Shadows & Mirrors  // f.hargreeves fanficWhere stories live. Discover now