:::: Three ::::

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When Nova woke up in the morning she was confused by her strange surroundings. If she was honest she couldn't remember falling asleep last night or even leaving Vanya's apartment. The young girl rubbed her tired eyes and looked around the room. After a moment she realized that she was back at The Academy, in Five's room, laying in Five's bed, alone.

"Good, you're up." Five said as he walked back into the room. "I've tracked the eyeball to Meritech's Prosthetics."

"Can I shower before we go? I haven't showered since before the JFK assignment and I feel like I'm covered in death." Nova complains and Five nodded his head.

"Make it quick. We don't have time for detours." Five said and Nova rolled her eyes at her old friend.

"The apocalypse can wait fifteen minutes while I shower," Nova said as she made her way out of Five's bedroom and to the bathroom down the hall.

Almost as soon as Nova had finished showering Five was impatiently knocking on her door. The young girl rolled her eyes in annoyance as she pulled on a clean academy uniform. Five had always been annoying like this. Always so impatient and sometimes that frustrated Nova.

"Finally!" Five exclaimed when the girl eventually opened her bedroom door. Without warning he grabbed her arm and blinked them onto the front steps of Meritech Prosthetics.

"Why do you never warn me?" Nova groaned slightly disoriented from the unexpected travel.

"I like to keep you on your toes." Five said with a wink before turning around and making his way up the stairs. Nova scrunched up her face at Five's almost playful demeanor. It was a full 360 from the impatient little shit that he was earlier. "Are you coming or not?"

Nova just rolled her eyes before following the boy inside the building. Eventually, they find the right office and go in search of someone who can help them. The pair awkwardly stand in the lobby not sure who to talk to when a doctor comes up to them.

"Uh, can I help you kids?" The doctor asked and out of the corner of her eye Nova could see Five make an annoyed face at being called a kid again.

"We need to find the owner of this eye," Nova said as Five holds up the prosthetic eye.

"Where did you get that?" The doctor asked.

"What do you care?" Five asked rudely in response and Nova elbowed him in the side again for his bad manners.

"We found it on a playground," Nova said to the doctor.

"Must have just... popped out." Five said while making a clicking sound with his tongue before saying the second part of the sentence

"All we want to do is return it to its rightful owner," Nova interjects.

"Awe, how thoughtful of you two." The lady at the front desk coos and both Nova and Five send her fake smiles.

"Just look up the name for us will you?" Five asked with fake sweetness in his tone.

"I'm sorry but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you..." The doctor starts before Five interrupts him in annoyance.

"We know what it means." Five snapped as Nova crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'll tell you what I can do. I can take the eye off of your hands and return it to its rightful owner. So if I can just..." The doctor said while reaching for the eye and Five quickly slipped it back into the pocket of his blazer.

"Yeah, you're not touching this eye." Five snapped.

"Now, listen here young man..." The doctor starts before Five roughly grabbed him by the collar of his jacket.

Shadows & Mirrors  // f.hargreeves fanficWhere stories live. Discover now