:::: Fifty-One ::::

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"Get it, Luther!" Klaus hollered.

Tonight was Luther's bachelor party. He had invited all of his brothers and Nova to join him. The girl wasn't entirely sure why she was invited but it was Luther's night so here she was. Nova was seated in between Klaus and Five on the couch. Viktor and Diego had taken the armchairs on either side. Luther was standing on the makeshift stage opposite them. They had set up a karaoke machine and after many many shots Luther had jumped up to sing a very off-key rendition of Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler.

"Doesn't he have the voice of an angel?" Klaus asked as he leaned into Nova dramatically. This was slightly problematic because the girl was already pressed tightly against her boyfriend.

"I wouldn't go that far. It's more like the voice of a parrot," Nova giggled as she took another drink of her beer.

"Yeah, baby, hit those high notes!" Klaus slurred as he hyped up Luther.

"Woo!" Viktor cheered.

"Sing it, baby!" Klaus called.

"I can't believe Luther's the first one of us that gets hitched," Diego commented.

"Wait, didn't Allison have like two husbands already?" Nova asked confused as her brows furrowed in concentration. She already had way more to drink than she normally does and her mind was all muddled and foggy. "There was Claire's dad and uh...the guy Klaus was in prison with. What was his name...?"

"Raymond!" Klaus suddenly exclaimed loudly, "Oh yeah, I miss that guy. He was a hoot."

"I mean out of the brothers," Diego clarified.

"I can. I caught him marrying my action figures in, like, third grade," Viktor giggled.

"Did not!" Klaus giggled scandalously.

"This isn't how I pictured our bachelor's party, you know?" Diego attempted to continue his explanation.

"Well, the world's running a little short on strippers and tea cakes right now," Klaus deadpanned before looking up at the girl that he was leaning against. "Unless Nova wanted to put on a little show for us. We could do it together! We'd be selling out shows every night!"

"Yeah, right," Nova scoffed as she rolled her eyes at the man.

"Nobody is stripping," Five said protectively as he scooted further away from Klaus pulling his girlfriend with him. "Klaus, I'm just surprised you didn't invite Daddy Dearest to come and join us."

"Oh, come on. He's such a kind and thoughtful soul. He's not like our Hargreeves. Au contraire. But I'll admit I needed a break from the old dog," Klaus sighed.

"Um, I'm not so sure about that," Nova added, "I don't think I'll ever trust any version of Reginald Hargreeves. Something just seems off with him. He's definitely up to something."

"What're you SOBs so down in the mouth about? This is a party," Luther asked now that he had finished his song. The radio still played music in the background as he sat down with a sigh in between Nova and Klaus.

"I'm just so glad we got to go out with a big ol' bang while we still can," Klaus said as he refilled his drink before rising to his feet. "Hey, here's to us! We've had a hell of a run."

"Cheers!" They all replied as the group rose to their feet and clinked their glasses.

"Who's next?" Luther asked after he set down his now empty glass.

"Oh, that'd be me 'cause I have finally come to a decision," Five responded as he set down his empty glass.

"What's it gonna be maestro?" Klaus asked.

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