:::: Thirty-Eight ::::

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Groovy music filled the car and the wind blew through Nova's long hair. She stuck her arm out the window and let her fingers flow with the breeze. Klaus was driving while he sang along to the radio in the front seat. Five sat on the passenger side his eyes grazing over the road map in his hands a red marker dangled from his lips. Nova felt content. Her lips spread into a smile. This was what she needed. No fear. No apocalypse. No impending doom. It was just her, Five, Klaus, and the open road ahead.

"This isn't so terrible," Five broke the silence as he put the cap on his marker and carefully refolded the map.

"See? Told ya," Klaus grinned while slurping his drink.

"You know, come to think of it, my whole life I've been under the gun," Five began, "Missions from Dad, working for the Commission, trying to survive the apocalypse. I was always looking around every corner, just waiting for the other shoe to drop. It's nice to just breathe."

"Good for you, man. Retirement is suiting you," Klaus nodded.

"Hey, where's the map?" Nova asked as she leaned back into the car. "I wanna see which roadside attractions you've chosen."

"Oh...well...I'm not sure we're gonna have time..." Klaus mumbled but Five ignored him as he handed the map back to Nova.

"We have the Brownsville Big Nickel. Oh, Ricky's Bakery has award-winning pies. Or there's Cow Henge," Five began listing off all the places he had circled and memorized the names of as Nova's dark eyes scanned the map.

"Pie sounds amazing right now. I can't remember the last time I had a decent slice of pie," Nova sighed dreamily.

"Alright, listen to me. Just shut up for two seconds, okay?" Klaus interrupted and the two teens looked up at him.

"Okay, fine, I'm all ears," Five sighed sensing that maybe Klaus had some ulterior motive for dragging them on this trip.

"We are going to Pennsylvania to find...my birth mother. Yay!" Klaus exclaimed cheerily.

"Excuse me?" Five snapped in exasperation.

"Your birth mother?" Nova gasped her jaw dropping in surprise.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just needed somebody to come with me for emotional support," Klaus whined as he put a hand to his chest.

"Oh, emotional support, like a Schnauzer?" Five growled.

"Klaus, why didn't you just tell us the truth?" Nova asked.

"I didn't think you guys would come if I told you, so what was I supposed to do?" Klaus asked.

"You're goddamn right I wouldn't have come, Klaus. You know why?" Five snapped as his voice continued to rise. "Because I am supposed to be retired!"

"I know! I know!" Klaus yelled back.

"Five, mi amor, stop being such a drama queen," Nova sighed while handing the map back to her boyfriend.

"This was supposed to be a carefree road trip," Five grumbled taking back the map before crossing his arms and pouting.

"Well, it still can be, babe!" Klaus exclaimed cheerily.

"Yeah, we can still make the most of this trip and help Klaus at the same time. Alright?" Nova asked sweetly and Five glanced back at her in the rearview mirror. Her soft smile was infectious and one spread across his face as well.

"Oh my god, Ball of Twine! Ball of Twine! That's on the list! Come on, Klaus, turn! Turn!" Five suddenly exclaimed as they drove past a road sign announcing that the World's Largest Ball of Twine was off of the next exit.

Shadows & Mirrors  // f.hargreeves fanficWhere stories live. Discover now