:::: Twenty-Three ::::

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With anger coursing through her veins Nova glared at the golden 217 marking the green double doors of the hotel room. The young girl took a deep breath before knocking twice on the door. She only had to wait a moment before the Handler swung open the doors with her cigarette holder between her teeth and a glass of liquor in each hand.

"Ah just in time for a nightcap." The Handler said as she walked back into the room. Nova followed shutting the doors behind her.

"Just to be clear..." Nova starts as she pulls out her own cigarette and lights it. "I take out the board and you get me and my family home. No more doomsday, no more apocalypse? Is that correct?"

"That's the deal." The Handler tells her and Nova takes another long drag of her cigarette before letting out a puff of smoke.

She lets the toxins coursing through her veins and relishes the feeling it gives her. These past few years have been too much, these last few hours have been too much. She just wanted to live in peace finally.

"Alright, then I'm in," Nova said as she opened her eyes once again. The Handler smiled sickly at her as she handed a folded piece of paper to the young girl. The paper read:

The Lonely Lodge Inn.

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 1982

"This bracelet has two jumps in it. It will take you to where you need to go and right back. Afterward, it will destroy itself." The Handler says as she yanked Nova's arm and slapped the bracelet on the girl.

Nova knew how these bracelets worked. You twisted it once to counter-clockwise and it took you on your first trip. You twisted it once clockwise and it took you on your second trip. Then it destroyed itself.

The girl wasted no time turning the bracelet counterclockwise. She felt the familiar pull of time travel before she landed on the driveway leading up to a quaint traditional german looking hotel cottage.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Nova said to the lady at the front table.

"Uff da! Ya snuck up on me missy! If you're looking for the cookies we don't put them out until 3:00." The woman said and Nova was puzzled before she remembered that she looked 16.

"Sounds delicious, but uh I was actually wondering which room the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting?" Nova asked.

"Sure do. Muskellunge Banquet Room." The woman said pointing towards the back. "Are you looking for your Mom? She in for the convention?"

"Sure is. Thank you, ma'am." Nova said before turning and walking away.

As Nova walked down the hall she noticed a birthday cake and she ran her finger across the icing before sucking it off. The girl paused when she eyed the fire axe mounted on the wall. She could still feel her anger coursing through her veins.

Nova knew she could go in and kill all the members of the board just by holding her hands out. But she needed to blow off some steam so that she didn't accidentally wipe out this whole village. What better way to take out her anger than on the board of directors?

With precise moves, the girl gripped the axe and tossed it between both hands as she kicked open the door to the conference room.

"You! Call security!" AJ the goldfish screamed as Nova began slowly draining all their energy.

Before the lady could really pick up the receiver Nova had cut off her arm and crushed her skull. The girl then turned to the next three people and with extreme skill and precision, she killed them all. One she gutted, the other decapitated, and the third was a strike to the heart.

Shadows & Mirrors  // f.hargreeves fanficWhere stories live. Discover now